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Aeva Melody

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Everything posted by Aeva Melody

  1. I've been thinking. (And judging by the length of this post, clearly I think too much, but nonetheless...) It would actually be pretty smart if they did this. Think about it, say the new premium level gives you 2048m allotment, which seems like a very logical and easily affordable(ie. sellable) amount. Now, 1024m of that can be used for a Linden Home. However, the other 1024m can only be used for mainland since it's only one home per account and you're not allowed to deed a Linden Home to a group. So, at this level people are basically guaranteed to have at least some regular mainland. And this would greatly increase mainland occupancy, much like the last increase did(at least in my area it did). Additionally, this would create such a nice, natural progression for a newbie. They'll start at basic obviously, until they're sure they like the place. And then, they're having a blast visiting all these wonderful places and thinking, maybe they'd like to have a place of their own where they can create something for themselves. Or, maybe they're a little tired of changing their clothes behind that "abandoned" shed they found. So they sign up for premium, and they quickly snag a fancy new Linden Home(Well, this is the future of course. And it's totally quick in the future. I hear they have jetpacks.) and they fill it to the brim! And now? They've got the bug. The land bug. And they need more! But they can't have more on this continent. However, they see this higher level premium where they can now get a piece of mainland too and do whatever they want(whatever i want!?! OMG!!1 i can finally build the space station/castle/torture dungeon* of my DREAMS!!! :DDDDD). And so they run around until they finally find just the right plot of land for them and they settle down. Then, maybe a few months later, their mainland neighbor puts their 1024m up for sale(this is how the addiction starts). Well now they have options; Do they stay how they are and keep their two plots separate? Do they release their Linden Home and consolidate on mainland(which is something they might have done initially)? Or do they tier up and keep all of it? Eventually, their mainland home will likely grow much larger and more developed and personalized than their Linden Home, and they might, very naturally, grow out of it. Which is precisely what they were meant to do all along. And in fact many did do this when the allotment changed to 1024m, but the Linden Homes were still 512m. People were encouraged to move out, to take full advantage of their new allotment. And thus new people can move in. It's perfect. (Do it. I WANT IT. I have bugs. Pls, k thx.) *I'm totally exaggerating, it's not like this, lol. It's actually mostly just mundane houses and such. Specifically farmhouses, modern homes, and beach homes. Lots of those. And then some city/RP type stuff like strip malls, parks, airports, marinas, gas stations, skyscrapers(admittedly a few too many skyscrapers...), etc. And yes, the occasional sparkly pink castle set to full-bright floating at 100m on a bed of glitchy technicolor dreams clouds. Buuut, they’re pretty rare, lol. And honestly, in my experience, quite a bit of the silly/weird stuff is oddly charming. To me anyway, your mileage may vary. Yeah, I too feel like I'm left hanging in the breeze just a bit, and I'm not sure what to do with my land alts. Not that there is much I can do anyway on such short notice, but still. The new level could also just as easily be merchant related though, and totally just as valid, but of no actual use to me. Frankly though, having many(or at least a few) different flavors/levels of premium subscriptions would really be great. Even if it can't be totally a la carte, at least having some options would be super appreciated. Like say; a Premium Lite(no land, but priority access, vp sandboxes, group slots, etc.), a Land Premium(or two, 1024m and 2048m levels), and then a Merchant Premium(free uploads, lower marketplace commission fees, maybe a free ad slot once a month?). Stuff like that. And then have one Super Mega Premium that includes everything. We want to give you more money for more things Linden Lab! Let us!? 😀
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