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Tiffy Vella

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Posts posted by Tiffy Vella

  1. Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

    See you have never met those that do make money here, they are so rude and never answer note cards or im's, what a wonderful dream you live in, is it catching?

    /me cheerfully waves at you and smiles. Then continues to read the forums for a bit longer before going back to making money, being polite, and answering messages.



  2. I think move on, and in future, only lend money with the expectation that it's a gift. Just like gambling, never give more than you can afford to lose and never expect it back.

    And most people are honest, just as they are anywhere. Don't feel disheartened.

    If you want revenge on the vampire, perhaps try planting a victim drunk on absinthe in his way. I've heard it works a treat. ;)

  3. Agreeing with everything you say there. And yes, it does look bad after everything that was said. Just what was the purpose of that little test again, that everyone had to complete before getting their mesh licence?

    Any mesh I buy is from creators with a real and pre-mesh commitment to creating- the ones who have been striving to give us good original content over time, and who have been learning the skills honestly.

  4. I hear so many men say this. They wonder why we women have so many lovely things and they don't. And yay you worked out the answer! When we want something we can't buy, we go ahead and make it ourselves, then sell it to others. If men did this too everytime they felt a lack, they'd be just as spoilt for choice :)


    And best of luck. It's really fun designing and running a business here, most of the time :)


    edited to add that I realise all too late that I completely misread your post while running past to save the half-burning dinner. My bad. You aren't designing, you're selling rental space to designers...

  5. Tiana...I have had the message through a few groups I'm in...I think we all need to be aware of a few things to help us be safe, like never giving debit permissions to strange objects. It's good to get that sort of info out there, and if we all were made to feel bad for talking about such issues, the scammers would have a field day.

    But you make a good point. During the time I've been in SL, I swear I've seen these scam alerts go around dozens of times. They infect group chat and notices (and forums, lol), just like viral emails whizz all over the internet. This one is a little different. I wonder if some start because someone has it in for somebody else, because I've never actually met anyone who's ever had all their lindens stolen by anything like this.


  6. Irene Muni wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:


    ... The best poets & musicians & artists of all sorts have always shared their work freely ..



    Cervantes never shared "The Quixote" freely.

    Calderón de la Barca, Quevedo, Lópe de Vega, Góngora, Camilo José Cela, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Velázquez, Murillo, Dalí, Picasso, (please add maaaaaaaaany more spanish artists) never shared ther work freely.

    all were

    Irene, I too am utterly unable to name anyone who has created anything remarkable throughout history who did not need to be paid for their efforts. All the great people, and closer-to-normal ones who do more routine work, all needed to provide for their material needs. Greedy greedy them.

    In my experience, the only ones on this planet who expect everything for free, actually never have anything to provide.

  7. I have heard of the gift card scam, and one of those names has been associated with it. I have no first hand knowledge of it, and may be passing on heresay. Apparently, the avatar has been contacting customers in shops and selling fake gift cards.

    But if anyone contacts you in a store with a 'good deal', who is not the store owner, you can just about bet they are scamming.

    I'm sure someone will hop in and tell you to remove the avatar names from your post. Sorry, but that's forum rules.



  8. It's frustrating, I know.

    Some things you can do, first, to prevent them from annoying you, are to sit on a box (or turn yourself phantom) to stop yourself being pushed around. To stop you and your work being driven into by vehicles, try working on a prim that's a little bit above the ground level.

    Turn off particles if you are being flooded with them. This can give you space to locate the prim emitting them. Inspecting that prim will give you the owner, and you can AR from there.

    If they are running all over the place and you can't click on them, look on a radar to get their name, and bring up their profile. Phoenix viewer is very handy for this, and others may have the same feature.

    Best of luck. I rarely have these problems anymore, and think sometimes it comes down to choice of sandbox. Some privately run ones are well managed. Try visiting the Builders Brewery sandbox, for example. Others might have more good suggestions :)

  9. JeanneAnne wrote:

    PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

    I'd defend your position but you'd say I was being patronising so I'll just provide an example to support it:

    The major difference between copying code, music, etc. and taking a bicycle, computer or other tangible item is exactly that - it is copied, not taken.  Therefore no-one is denied its use.  From a utilitarian view "the greatest good" is increased by copying and thus maximising the availability of such intangibles.

    (I'll leave it to you to explain how the greater good is served by having starving programmers and composers hanging around making the place look untidy)

    I was thinkinga bout this the other day .. Was thinking that making it so an item in SL couldnt be copied & shared was like an animal breeder only selling neutered animals 

    If i acquire something in SL why shouldnt i be able to copy it & share it w/ others for free? Only because the person who made it is selfish & wants to be the only one who can distribute copies of it for profit .. thats why !! Code is readily replicable .. so why artificially make it difficult to replicate ?!? Only due to the greed of the scripter .. apparently .. This is just 1 example of capitalist pathology.. there are many more: planned obsolescence, non-interchangeability of components, brand redundancy, the engineering of faux need ........ & on & on .. Yet ppl defend this craziness as if their well-being depended on it !! Guess they've been indoctrinated to believe it does




  10. My entire linden balance has disappeard a few times, which always freaks me out for about the 5 seconds it takes to go check the transaction history, and perhaps relog. I wasn't around, but hear that things were running a bit rough in SL last night.

    The only other explanation is that you have joined some groups that charge land fees (most groups don't, but it happens occasionally and can take you by surprise). Let us know if the balance comes back to normal, as I think it most likely will.

  11. Mmhhmm..we've always had a Moon. I naively thought I could fly up to it once, and so I flew and flew and flew. I kept going for hours (had no other life back then). After about 10,000 metres, desperation set in as I realised it wasn't doable. It seems unattainable, which is sad as I'd quite like a little 512 up there, to get away from it all.

    Oh...sorry...wrong universe :(

  12. Hi Moxie...yes it is disgusting, and I find that site really offensive, for the reasons you said. It'd be great if you removed the link, and didn't inadvertantly promote them.

    I thought that if anyone logged in using a TPV not okayed by LL, that they'd risk instant banning, if they were able to get in. That's why I'm unable to use my old favourite Meerkat, which I used to use to backup my own creations on my hard drive. It will no longer let me log in. Are people really still getting away with logging in with copybot viewers? Howcome they aren't detected? Howcome they aren't banned from logging in like I am if I ever tried Meerkat again? I don't get it.

    I do however support TPVs in general. I use a range of them, and love many of their features. they give me freedom, choice, and a better product. I think many TPV creators are more in tune with our needs than LL is.


  13. Copy/mod. With Marketplace options for gift giving.

    I love being able to adapt hair to different outfits, and hats/accessories..and popping the right hair into each folder. same with shoes (why do shoe sellers so rarely allow mod permissions?) Any modifiability is golden, really, and a deal-breaker for me if not allowed. Pet hate is resize scripts as an only option.

    We have this discussion a lot :)

  14. 1st question.....Others have answered this well. You can make clothes without any outside tools. These are called 'system clothes', made in appearance mode. Everyone is right in saying that this is creatively and technically so limited that there is little point. Learn Photoshop/Gimp to create your clothing textures as a first step. Then learn Sculpt Studio/Blender to begin adding sculpted and then mesh attachments. There are 5 bajillion tutorials out there floating about in Googleland.

    2nd question....Yes..'boxing' means putting what you want to sell into the contents folder of a box. Just the exact same place that a script would go :)

  15. Melita Magic wrote:

    Tiffy Vella wrote:

    Oh--I must add that I just met Elvis inworld (am never washing my left hand ever again!!!)

    What exactly did you do with him?  :matte-motes-agape:

    Thankyou for making me lose a mouthful of morning coffee. I really want to salvage any good reputation by establishing that I reached out as he passed and touched the hem of his shiny shiny sequinny coat. Then promptly fainted on the club floor.

    It wasn't the best choice of place to collapse. Woke up all sore and sticky.

  16. PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

    ROB34466IIIa wrote:

    Tiffy Vella wrote:


    .Prokofy Neva

    Infamous ?

    I found out at the very least he' s a quick, precise, generous,and effective landlord who' s not just out on Linden. That' s no reason for infamy.


    I second that!  Prok may have been infamous on the forums for her rants but in-world she's an excellent person to rent from.


    Perhaps I should have said that Prok is famous for one set of behaviours, and infamous for another. :)

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