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Calyxa Semyorka

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  1. There is no "age restirction". I mention age because, to be frank and clear that if you're not an adult - in RL - I do not want to be friends with you. As for maturity I agree with your statement but to be sure I'd rather be friends with those in my own agre group. Thanks.
  2. Awesome. I'll PM you. I'm in EST - which sometimes makes it hard to find steady friends. I tend to be online when everyone in EST is a sleep and my most active times are during weekends, and on my summer vacations.
  3. No one is dis-included. Also... that is not a real word. If you think we should meet, then let's. If you think YOU would like MY company based on my ad, then that's all that matters.
  4. I don't remember saying that the list was my paramaters for friendship. I also didn't say anything about lesbianism. If you don't think we are compaitalbe, please don't post. I'm not here to convince anyone to connect with me. Condesentation is tasteless online - I'm not your sister. If you AV dosen't look like you thats fine. Frankly it is your choice. Thanks for the advice about making friends, but I asked for connections with potiential friends, not advice on how make them. Being old fashioned is fine. I am old fashioned as well, so I am not sure why you brought that up or what point it proves. I would say thanks for posting but I'm not sure why you posted at all. Especially since you sound so negative. I exclude no one from friendship. The list is neither paramaters nor a list of 'must haves' in order to connect with me. However, when I say 'please have' - this is to give an idea of what kind of person I will immediaely respond to and gravitate towards. If you find yourself reading this post or the orginal, you don't fit the description, you have two choices. Contact me anyway and post here or don't post at all. But please spare me the posts about why you don't think you're not 'included' according to the list. If you don't fit the list and think we should meet anyway then great! Let's meet. But please spare me the litany.
  5. Because i'm shallow. WTF kind of passive agreesive question is that?
  6. I never thought about it before but I would visit and RP on a Zombie sim. I've always been a big fan of zombie movies. The walking dead is a fav of mine.
  7. Edit: I just returned to read my replies and I'm sorry it has been so long. I just wanted to add (essentially) what I told Paprika. - Thanks for posting to my SL ad. I know it was a while ago when I posted the thread but I keep coming back to play SL although I am online only briefly as of late. Most of my SL friends have moved onto other things so I've missed that part of SL. I placed this ad for anyone else who may be looking to try and begin a longer (rather than short term) friendship. To be clear- I am not looking for a lesbian AV relationship. Just friendship. I think someone mis-read my add, inferring or assuming this. When I say 'intimate' i simply mean close, truthful, honest and not veiling RL with SL. Intimate=realness. If you find yourself reading my ad or this thread. Know that I've met many people in SL and I think meeting new people is great. I do it all the time. I love it. However, I am hoping to make friends with people who are not just passing through SL. So, whether you're here permantely, for the forseable future or just pasing through, you are worth getting to know. It is up to you to determine based on my list or ad whether or not you think I am worth getting to know. If you think 'yes' or 'maybe' please post or contact me via PM. If you read the list and think 'eff that lady' or 'get real' or anything negative, offensive or your feel not compatiable - please just move on to another thread instead of posting. Thanks! PS: If and when you PM me, - Can you tell me a bit about you and what you are like so we can have a jumping off point? For instance if you were to write an add for a new friend, (like my ad) what would it say? How would you describe yourself in SL? and RL? - which leads to... What kind of boundaries do you have between RL and SL? Some people hate talking honestly about who they are in RL. I don't mind either way but obviously since I am open, it makes me feel less vunerable if my friends are as well. Also I want to konw YOU not just your AV and although for some that can be too much to ask, that is what I'm offering so I don't want anything less in return. ----- orig post ----- Long time SL' er returning to in world and looking for new people with common interests. I've been around since 2006. I haven't been onlilne in some time and so most friends are old on my list. I love to meet new people but find that most people on SL are newbies. I'm looking for a veteran players with like interests who may also be coming back online and want to connect. Please be... (edit: this is not a criteria or paramaters for frienship with me, just a list of ideals and what type of persons I will immediatly respond to or graviate towards, if you think we should meet based on this then great! if not, please dont' post negative comments. Thanks! ) 30 something Good sense of humorNot looking to hook up but willing to start an intimate in world friendship (edit=intimate means realness not sex dammit) Interested in getting to know (the real me) and letting me get to know (the real) youHave an avatar that looks like you in RL - at least somewhat! :) (edit: if you don't that dosen't mean you can't contact me)Willing to meet once a week in-life to hang out/chat My in world interests include: (edit: but are not limted to) DancingMusicCultureFashionAdult ClubsRole Play and storytellingCCS combat In RL i am... 100% femaleAfrican American (I know, not many of us on SL ) (edit: btw please don't call me sister. seriuosly it is rude.) 30 somethingMarriedNo childrenI live in on the East CoastI'm bilingual (english/spanish) Liberal/Democrat
  8. I've been playing SL since 2002. I own a macbook (intel) running OSX 10.4 and I've always been able to play SL. Now that Sl requires you to download the latest SL viewer i cannot play SL on my macbook. What are my options for second party viewers? I've tried Phoenix, Impruence, Singularity, Dolphin and none of them work! Luckily i have an iMac running OSX10.5 so I can play using the latest viewer but when i'm traveling with my macbook I cannot play. What gives? Are there any viewers that will allow me to use my macbook? HELP ±!!
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