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Will Webb

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Everything posted by Will Webb

  1. "You can never overestimate the out-of-touchness of companies with their customers" or somesuch :-) Assuming a worst-case, I'm hoping an open standard will emerge for server-client solutions, or at least enough APIs to integrate seperate server systems into one client attachment. Honestly though, since I haven't heard anyone from LL even *breathe* the "It's just for the beta" line, I'm not holding out much hope; they've been known time and time again to worsen performance and other systems with arbitrary limits. llSetPos limit at 10m? Let's just call it in a while or for loop. Sensor limit at 96m? Let's just spam sensor "drones" that move up and down and lag a sim to death with their updates. No llName2Key? Let's just build an external database and spam sims with scanners that transmit their recorded names and keys to the outside server. Most limits, no matter how well intentional, get bypassed by the ingenuity of SL builders and scripters (as long as they are willing to stick around to deal with those limits in the first place).
  2. Hadn't thought of that; a server-client attachment system would solve the issue at least for RP groups and such.
  3. In my experience, now would be the perfect time to panic and overreact, lest we get stuck with this implementation ;-) -- edited to remove comment on use of landmark, as llteleportagentglobalcoords takes care of that
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