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KT Kingsley

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Posts posted by KT Kingsley

  1. It's the parcel settings that'll determine what someone can do themselves in the way of TPing around that parcel and an experience won't change that. The script function llTeleportAgent, when it's in an experience-enabled script, can override those parcel settings, so if the parcel is set for TP routing to a landing point the function can be used to TP avatars that are in the experience anywhere in the parcel.

    So if you have a free to TP anywhere parcel, enabling an experience and using an experience script to TP avatars to specific locations won't change that.

    If the parcel has an enforced landing point, experience scripts can be used to TP them to places other than that landing point but avatars acting on their own will always be routed to the landing point.

  2. A handy way to render unrendered (as opposed to not rezzed) objects is to toggle wire-frame mode on and off: Ctrl+Shift+R, twice.

    There's a couple of places I visit that sometimes fail to rez objects for me, but after almost every TP I find at least some objects not rendering (often HUD objects I'm wearing), so much so that I've added a wire-frame on/wire-frame off macro to one of my programmable mouse buttons.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    I doubt that there's any way to tell whether it's "likely" or not

    First, ask the question "Is it possible to simulate a universe?"

    If the answer is yes, then it follows that it's possible to simulate many universes. And in each of those many simulated universes it's possible to simulate many more universes, and so on, ad infinitum. Hence the simulated universes vastly outnumber the real ones, and thus the probability is that our universe is one of the simulations.

    1 minute ago, animats said:

    Probably not. There's too much space and too much unnecessary fine detail at the subatomic level.

    You only need the fine detail when it's being observed.

  4. Just because something is a digital construct doesn't mean it's a simulation.

    Also, we create a simulation of reality in our minds and try to exist within that frame, with greater or lesser degrees of success. And as we're all probably well aware, one person's simulation of reality can be quite different to another's. So yes, we are living in a simulation, albeit one of our own making.

    • Like 2
  5. Ha!

    I just now spotted the button just to the left of Start new topic, which switches between a simple-ish list and a list with previews. I'd managed to get into preview list mode without realising, and this does indeed seem to cause a big slowdown in page loading.

    Thanks, I'm now back to where I want to be.

  6. 16 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

    Um ....

    What new format? And no slowdowns that I've noticed.

    The one where the first three lines of the OP of each thread in a sub-forum are displayed on that forum's front page, and where the layout has changed to accommodate this.

    Maybe fetching and formatting all that extra text could be having an effect?

  7. The English FS support group in-world really isn't all that frightening, and includes many knowledgeable and helpful people, though not all of them are online all the time. The worst that can happen is that someone will completely misunderstand your question, or that you'll get directed to one or more of the FS help pages (which are indeed helpful when they address your particular issue).

  8. See if checking "Disable minimum camera zoom distance" in Firestorm Preferences/Move & View/View does anything.

    Also, perhaps your camera view angle is set to something odd. Ctrl+9 resets this to the default, and you can change this using Ctrl+8 to zoom out or Ctrl+0 to zoom in. There are also sliders for this in Preferences/Move & View/View and in the Cameratools window (Ctrl+Shift+C).

    • Like 1
  9. This is for an updater. I put a non-running updated script into my HUD. My HUD listens to various attachments that announce their script name and version and when it hears one that needs updating it does the inject pin thing.

    I've only been able to think of using yet another object to inject the updated script into my HUD in a non-running state, or to include a couple of lines of code so that the updated script recognises it's in the HUD rather than a target object.

    In some cases I really don't want the updated script to do to my HUD what it's meant to do to its target object.

  10. If Fritigern's suggestion of having the objects announce themselves when they're rezzed is impractical, detect the objects by name, but keep a list of their keys. Each object rezzed will have the same name but a unique key, so when you detect an object check its key against a list to see if you've seen it before and, if not, send the message and add its key to the list.

    The next problem is figuring out a way to recognise that a listed object has gone away so you can remove its key from the list, otherwise the list will keep growing until it crashes the script.

    • Like 1
  11. Thank you very much, Wulfie. You demonstrate how simple things can turn out to be when approached analytically and logically. Your explanation has also triggered some interesting ideas about other ways of presenting the data.

  12. I'm using this bit of code to determine the z-axis direction (as in compass direction) my camera is pointing in:

            vector euler_rot = llRot2Euler (llGetCameraRot ());
            rotation rot = llEuler2Rot (<0.0, 0.0, euler_rot.z>);

    This works fine when my camera is level, but with flycam mode enabled, where I can roll the camera and turn it upside-down, it gets a bit messy. The value rot is used to rotate a compass card texture on a prim, and also to locate a couple of child  prims representing the sun and moon positions in relation to that.

    What should I be doing?

  13. FURWARE has a thing called Display Creator which rezzes a number of properly aligned (and named to work with the FURWARE script) mesh objects with up to eight faces each to make a display that you specify using a menu (faces per object, rows and columns of those objects).

    Is that what you're looking for?

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Tazzie Tuque said:

    My hope is that all this "future growth and improvement"  does not mean a lot more bells and whistles, gadgets, gizmos, and such...  but that it truly  means improvement in performance things that have been issues for years and never really fixed...  My biggest hope is they do away with those stupid jelly dolls..  I come in to SL to see people not coloured blobs,  I want to see an avatar..  they need to find a way to make it so we do not have to put up with sub standard fun just because they can't make it work for those with less capable computers.  Now that would be both growth and improvement.  I mean seriously, how long do you think a new account will sick around when all they can see are jelly dolls everywhere, or crash?????


    Regarding seeing avatars as jelly dolls, go to preferences (Ctrl+P). Select the Graphics tab. Move the Avatar Maximum Complexity slider all the way to the right. The value will now read No Limit, and no avatars will be rendered as jelly dolls.

    Or, if you set it to 350,000 or lower, you have the option to always render avatars on your friend list fully. You can also add avatars to your Exceptions: those you want to always render fully, whatever your maximum complexity setting, and those you never want to render fully.

    In addition, you can right-click on an avatar and select Render Avatar. You are given the choice to always render them, never render them, or render them according to your complexity setting. You're also give access to your exceptions list there.

    The controls are laid out differently in Firestorm, and perhaps in other third party viewers, but the effect is the same.

  15. If you create a new script you'll see it responds to two events: state_entry and touch_start. The script you posted has handlers for the state_entry, changed, run_time_permissions and control events. You just add the moving_start and moving_end events like any of those:

        state_entry ()
            //stuff you do in this event
        changed (integer changes)
            //stuff you do in this event
        some_other_event (some_other_parameters)
            //stuff you do in this event
        moving_start ()
            //stuff you do in this event
        moving_end ()
            //stuff you do in this event

    The order the events appear in the script doesn't matter. When the script is running it waits until the simulator tells it something has happened that it's interested in, like something about the object it's in has changed, or that the object it's in has started or stopped moving, and then the code relevant to that event gets executed.

  16. If that doesn't work as well as you'd like it'd be worth seeing how it goes putting the start and stop animation calls in the control event so they're triggered directly by the control keys. You mention that you took the sounds out of the original script: you'd want to put the animation triggers in the same places that those were. Doing that would also open up the possibility of different animations for reversing or turning.

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