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Sally Audebarn

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Posts posted by Sally Audebarn

  1. Thank you all. Also, how can I bake the texture that I have applied to a wall IN BLENDER with only the ambiance occlusion added. So I don't want the shadows which are included in "combined." If I bake using ambiance occlusion, then I lose the texture (let's say a stucco texture that was applied). So I want only the ambiance occlusion added to the stucco texture when I bake the texture in blender.

  2. I have created a simple doorway and when I rezzed it for the first time, I could walk through it with no problem. However, when I copy and paste the appropriate dimentions onto the edit menu to re-size it in-game, it automatically become inpassable. Why does this happen and is it a bug? Thanks in advance.

  3. He did, but I was still left a bit confused. You see, I only see ONE option to select a physic shape "from file," so how can I use that ONE option to upload 8 different shapes? That's what confuses me. Am I uploading a folder? I have tried selecting more than one files at once in the browse menu but I can only select one at a time. I'm puzzled. 

  4. Which is the best method of uploading a mesh house? Do I upload all the walls, floors and roofs (physics shapes included) separatly and join them manually in-world or do I upload them all together from one dea file? What's the most used method? I'm trying my best to avoid difficulties further down the road.

  5. A house has multiple parts and each part should have its own physics shape, to my understanding. Bearing that in mind, how do I upload the entire thing AT ONCE when it's actually fragmented and assign the particular physic shape to the respective parts, using the in-world uploader?


    Let's say the house has 5 sections/layers - how do I apply the pre-made physic shape for "part 1" to "part 1" and so on? Am I forced to upload each part separately and reassemble them on my own? Or is there a way to upload everything AT ONCE with the respective physic shapes applied to their respective mesh parts? Please help.

  6. Please note that to my knowledge, this only impacts the Best Selling list.

    I have realized that if you want to get a list that's not flooded with unrelated items, you must put your search word between quotation marks. So you would type "house" instead of house to search for houses. I have also found out that on some days there are far less unrelated items on the list than others. So during the weekends the list seems far more refined than during the week days and sales have acted in accordance with this periodic shift. What good do we extract from this kind of manipulation?

    The problem is, not everyone knows about this quotation mark "feature," so why add it? Why not bring up a refined search list by default? If I want a house, why should I do more than simply type house into the search bar to see the items that matches said description? Can someone kindly explain this to me?

  7. Your intention is good, but the fact remains that the search engine is broken. It simply is and no matter how many  "work arounds" you suggest (whether they be effective or not), the aforementoned fact will not be altered. Something must be done by LL  to facilitate the Marketplace's much needed repair. All the blame cannot be thrown at us merchants and doing so is blatantly unfair. 

  8. Hey there. First and foremost, I appreciate your imput. With that said, I took a look at your store and I realized that the items that pop up on your "most relevant" list are not even remotely the same as those that show up on your "best selling list," not to mention the huge different in the order in which they are sorted. In light of this, I find it difficult to believe that the search engine is not broken, irrespective of the good advice which you have given. Are we to believe that your sales have not taken a dive since the implementation of this new search engine? Quite frankly, I hightly doubt that's the case. The fact remains that the marketplace itself is broken. I am certain that there are merchants out there who have followed your guideline, yet still find themselves experiencing a decline in their sales. 

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