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Jilly Kikuchiyo

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Everything posted by Jilly Kikuchiyo

  1. My problem with viewer 2 predates 2.6.3. As with everyone else, TPV or the 1.x viewers work fine. The problem is that viewer 2 on Mac actively clobbers my DNS connection. I can have Network Utility successfully running a ping to the DNS server and connect to the world, have the area start to rez, even start to play parcel media. Fairly quickly though, the ping fails, world stops loading, eventually I'll get "logged out of Second Life". In addition, web browsing, email, streaming music and everything else is now broken since there is no DNS service available. It requires a DSL modem reboot to fix. Occasionally it will work, but the majority of times won't, even with multiple tries. I have tried all the standard fixes, clearing the SL prefs folder, re-installing the viewer, clearing the DNS cache, running alternate "super" DNS addresses like OpenDNS and DNS Advantage, and both the 208 and DNS servers mentioned here.
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