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Nala Blep

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Everything posted by Nala Blep

  1. The true potential of PBR will not be realized until we ditch OpenGL, but it's certainly a step in the right direction.
  2. Vulkan works fine on Linux, and it is the proposed solution to replace OpenGL. Also there are very real benefits, it doesn't help to try and downplay how ancient SL's architecture is.
  3. The potential of PBR is astounding. The worlds one can build with this system are going to make anything else in SL look horrifically bad by comparison. SL is a social platform, but it requires immersive spaces to socialize in. There is no good reason to be against this update, wishing it to die means SL fades even faster than it already is. Unfortunately your post shows that you really do not understand the systems we are discussing here. PBR is more than '10% more bling'.
  4. The faster SL moves away from OpenGL the better, and this is a solid step in the right direction. Even older and midrange PCs will benefit from this in the long run. SL in its current state simply cannot properly utilize modern hardware. They cannot continue to take the minspec approach and expect it to stay alive. If they continue along this path and get us into Direct X 11/12 or even Vulkan than people will see an explosion in performance. Yes this new client update is going to demand more resources, but the people quitting because they can no longer use their rigs from 12 years ago are just being unreasonable. Imagine running SL at max settings at a solid 144 FPS because it can finally use all of your CPUs cores, yes please. PBR is a basic feature that has been an industry standard for a really long time, it allows us to create more immersive and realistic spaces, isn't that the entire point of Second Life? To create virtual worlds we can feel immersed in? I'm not going to sit here and pretend that these releases haven't been a little rocky, and yes the Firestorm client in particular needs some work, but being anti PBR/New lighting engine in general is just silly in my opinion.
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