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Everything posted by droidleader

  1. few weeks later, taking my alt through the shop and hop, now a lot of the no modify objects are suddenly modify.
  2. over the years i havent said anything, but like , come on, has anyone els noticed how like 90% of the stuff from shop and hop is no modify? most of the time its something thats so huge is makes no sense an would be better smaller but you cant resize it, or like a pair of wings.... sense there no modify they only work on the 1 body the creator was using at the time or maybe none, cause a lot of this stuff is in there own store an when you buy it, it comes modify, but when they give it out its no modify, like... it doesnt make any sense, feels like they do this on purpose, a fake free gift that isnt suppose to actually be useable just to get into the shop and hop, not wanting to give you something you could use. like its free so its ok if you dont want to give a good product away an you want to give one of those lil half done commemorate its like am ug or t-shirt that says SL12B on it or what evers, but when you give out something like the said wings or what ever, an you go out of your way to make it unusable, its really in poor taste. an it really doesnt feel like a mistake sense its 90% of the items at every shop and hop over the years.
  3. so first of all ill say this, the graphics an everything looks way better, i have no bugs or glitches with the new PBR firestorm viewer, in almost every way its 10/10 across the board im impressed with all that, but there are 2 major problems, an though many have pointed out 1, the performance, they havent detailed it out exactly an i will explain it here. my pc specs are as follows, GPU 2080 TI, CPU 3950x thread ripper, 64 gb of ram running at 3,200 mhz, i use combo of m.2 drives an a single large hard drive, windows 11 pro (for what little that matters) an my monitors is super ultra wide 32:9 at 1080p so it demands twice that of normal size, an then i have an upper normal sized monitor. the most demanding pc game to run is Star Citizen (unless something has changed in last 6 months) running that on my super ultrawide at 60fps, max settings, field of view, gpu runs at 80%. its the only game i usually shut down other programs for , like if im playing other games like fallout 4, ark, hell divers 2 an so on, i wont even close out of google, heck sometimes be watching shows, have firestorm running in background to tab in an out check messages. now then the new firestorm pbr update.... it runs at 50% gpu usage, at the lowest an highest setting which is very odd an shouldnt do that, should go down at lower settings an up at higher, but theres 2 more key parts to this,1 thats at lowest draw distance 32, 2 i only run sl at 30 fps cause 60 is not needed like in action games and shooters....., so at 60fps FS pbr viewer is more demanding then the most demanding pc game known to man atm, an thats with draw distance turned down.... so before sl was a chill time i could run 20 different things multitask , have a chill time an my fan not going crazy, now sl by itself nothing els open makes my fan rev up, most ppl in sl are gamers with gaming pc, so this update cuts out like 80% of users and then its not multitasking friendly at all. theres also 1 other issue an thats the previous version of firestorm, if you minimize it, cpu and gpu usage go to 0%, an ram goes down to like 2gb minimized, the new version does not, the gpu and cpu stay at same usage even when minimized, thats a huuuuuuge problem. atm an now heres thing yes performance is an issue, lots of patches an work needs to be done to bring it down because its not optimized if it was we would be at 25% so it needs to be aware to the dvs they need to work on that, but it did just come out an there trying to catch up with how LL released pbr so long ago already, so hopefully in time they will fix the performance, an ill be clear on this, the performance is not normal this is far from optimized an thats really the only issue, that an using resources when minimized. an really as long as the devs of both LL and FS know this and are working to bring optimization an bring down gpu usage, then everything is good just got to wait, but if there not working at that, then rip sl
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