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Posts posted by JacksonBollock

  1. 9 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


    The first Trainspotting is the movie that I mentioned above somewhere, I think, that I was unable to finish watching because of one particularly traumatizing scene.

    I do love the Prodigy remix of Lust for Life though.

    Yeah, it is a tough watch for some people.

    The second one not so much, I'd recommend giving it a go if you have the time 

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Wouldn't SL have to "go away" first?

    Not completely, for every comeback there is always the small group of zealots who have kept the torch of faith alive through the dark and lonely wilderness years.

    As Rick himself said.

    "I've been stood up, messed around, and taken for a fool
    But next time 'round, I'm gonna change the rules
    And I don't care about the things that people say
    It's you I think about each and every day"

  3. 1 minute ago, Ineffable Mote said:

    Trash is trash, whether it's AI regurgitating it or not. Most prepackaged food is better left uneaten, too. It's both inhuman, and part of the SL experience.

    But I'm old enough to remember when serious papers were written on SL, being worthwhile and readable, back in frontier days. They aren't coming back.

    You say that, but lots of things have made come backs

    • Vinyl and Turntables
    • Flip Phones
    • Parachute Pants and Big Shoulders
    • Rick Astley
    • The Mullet - or maybe that's just me.

    We could get SL on that list if we tried.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

    I vaguely remember it had a few things correct and even some positive take-away in the end, but I kinda forgot about those.

    I'm not making an absolute claim that it must be an AI-written thing, but it definitely reads like one and it leaves me with the general satisfaction of having dined at a fast food restaurant or on a discount pack of donuts (i.e. mostly dissatisfaction and instant regret).

    Yeah, but you still can't resist and you'll eat every last one of those donuts. Even though the self loathing started almost as soon as you tucked your legs under the yellowing table, and picked up the stained, dog eared menu.

    So to be fair, the article did have something to say about the current SL experience.

  5. 37 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

    So what you're saying is, people who may have done things they shouldn't have been doing are now concerned they might face consequences for doing things they shouldn't have been doing. 

    I mean you'd think there'd be a Statute of Limitations on this sort of thing.

    There actually is, it's how many years can LL really be bothered to sift through conversations along the lines of 'Does my bum look big in this?'

    • Like 1
  6. 33 minutes ago, JacksonBollock said:

    50 Ways to leave your Lover in RL - Only 1 needed In Second Life.

    • Buy your loved one a cute puppy for Christmas.
    • Wait until the puppy is rolled on its back, and they're scratching its tummy.
    • Take an adorable picture for the family album.
    • Attach the family album to an AR and click send.
    • They be gone.

    Bingo, you're free as a bird - just make sure you're fully fledged when you visit those Adult Regions!


    2 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

    LOL. No.

    That's disappointing, you mean I'm going to have to come up with a plan B?

    • Haha 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Well, then all those naked cat avatars wandering around Bellisseria - BELLI!! - definitely need something done.

    Those cats are walking around with nary a stitch - wearing NOTHING BUT FUR!!11!

    And I bet those cats aren't even teenagers.


    Don't get me started with those seductive Poodles strutting around, half naked in their Continental Clips.

    • Like 2
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  8. 33 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I don't think any of your statements above make sense to me. 

    Here's why:

    I don't see how talking about "mommy" is "a-play"; "a-play" as defined by LL in the TOS and discussions about it, is sexual.

    If a Furry child avatar is clothed and in a G-rated region, why would it get AR'd?

    If a Furry child avatar is clothed and in an M-rated region, why would it get AR'd?

    A Furry child avatar, whether clothed or not, should not be allowed in an Adult region.


    50 Ways to leave your Lover in RL - Only 1 needed In Second Life.

    • Buy your loved one a cute puppy for Christmas.
    • Wait until the puppy is rolled on its back, and they're scratching its tummy.
    • Take an adorable picture for the family album.
    • Attach the family album to an AR and click send.
    • They be gone.

    Bingo, you're free as a bird - just make sure you're fully fledged when you visit those Adult Regions!

    • Thanks 1
  9. 10 hours ago, Kathlen Onyx said:

    I don't see that at all. You think because someone "tells it like it is without sugar coating" they must be unhappy in RL. haha. Or do you say that to make yourself feel better?

    Ok, since I'm one of the lucky few getting the rough end of @Zalificent Corvinus 's tongue (so to speak :) ) I am going on record as agreeing with you here Kathlen.

    Look, everyone's allowed their opinion, and I'm really not so precious that I can't have mine called out and roundly abused - it's what makes life interesting and keeps even us "pseudo intellectuals" honest.

    On that note, Zalificent's use of that term has made me look at myself more closely, particularly around my style of communicating. Basically I'm used to communicating in a certain way for work, and here I guess I sought to dilute it a little - which in itself is pretty patronising and didn't work very well in any case.

    Without (hopefully) being too boastful, as I sit here now I look up and see 4 hard won (for me anyway) bits of paper hanging on the wall. 2 are advanced degrees, one a PhD,  from the two Universities that most people will think of when they think of English Universities.

    So I guess, in my defence, all I can say is that along the way I've tried really hard to actually learn some stuff as well.

    As for the rest, and speaking directly to @Zalificent Corvinus now, I'd just say keep doing what you're doing. Yours is an important voice here, albeit your style is somewhat 'interesting' and sadly might obscure your message for a few.

    All the Best,


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  10. 55 minutes ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

    They'd fail without the ability of adults to be adults.

    If it's only a choice between antiseptic pearl-clutching platforms where people deny that a wide spectrum of human sexuality exists, and SL that allows for the widest range of expressions, genders, sexuality, being who you want to be ... then this place wins every time.

    If SL took away the adult side of things, it'd fail.


    Hi Katherine,

    For the most part I (sort of) agree with what you're saying but it's important to clarify that recognizing and supporting such diversity does not inherently require the support of explicit adult environments - not as a fundamental necessity anyway.

    I personally don't think that Second Life's success or failure is predicated on just how far it leans into its current reputation - such that it is.

    Second Life "succeeds" as far as I can see,  based on its unique ability to provide a space where adults can freely express aspects of their identities that may not be as easily explored in other settings.

    Does "free expression" really predominantly mean explicit "sexual expression"? I'm not sure.

    It might be that by leaning more into creating and marketing itself as a truly segmented environment, Second Life could continue to serve its existing adult community without alienating potential new users who seek creative but non-adult interactions.

    I just think that perhaps the whole "If SL took away the adult side of things, it'd fail." mantra, sells SL a little short.

    So yeah, focussing on the explicit adult side of things might prolong Second Life's mere survival, but perhaps not its future growth and wellbeing.

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  11. OK, so kindness in general, as a behaviour, is influenced significantly by key factors such as empathy, altruism, socialization, personal value systems (ethics), and biological feedback mechanisms (such as oxytocin release).

    Online environments are not great at facilitating or supporting the factors outlined above, As a species we're still pretty hardwired to dealing with each other in a proximate, embodied context.

    So should we even try to be kind, or expect kindness from other while online?

    All I'd say is we shouldn't depend on it, or rely on it for our own personal wellbeing.

    There are a couple of ways we can protect ourselves a little and be able to shrug off any unkindness that comes our way.

    First is to recognise what are sometimes called "argumentative fallacies"  (there are lots of different classification of fallacy which these might fall into). 

    If you recognise someone resorting to this sort of thing (certain individuals on these boards aren't shy of the old "ad hominem"), then you can see it as what it is and detach yourself from the situation. To not be too crass about it, if someone lobs an ad hominem at you (or any other fallacy for the matter), you can relax because you've already "won" :) 

    If you add in a certain level of resilience and even self awareness, and you can see that the ad hominem is in fact not true (which it often isn't - because it's the lazy person's first resort) then all the better.

    Second - somewhat related - is don't rely too much on anecdotal or subjective experience to support your position (especially in a debate/discussion). It may not be the case, but many times, by doing this and then having your position attacked - it feels like a very personal and triggering attack - even when not intended as such. If things get too close to home for you, then get back to the helicopter view of the discussion as quickly as you can .

    My advice here is to stick to metaphor and general analogy, or the theory - but you know, some people don't like that and then they call you a "pseudo intellectual" :) 

    If none of that stuff works, then I like to take advice from the Madagascar Penguins ..



    • Like 4
  12. 18 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    Yes it is.


    There are currently ZERO systems that meet ANY accepted definition of a "metaverse", get over it.


    The only "freedom of Expression" is what the service provider chooses to permit. This is true of any system. Online fantasy games don't let you "freely express yourself" by playing as a T-1000 liquid metal Terminator.


    It's not relevvant, as this isn't about apathy and responssibility.


    It's about people choosing to abide by the legal contract they agreed to, or not, and losing access to the system as a result.

    No Tiny Toxic Terror Tots have been or will be gassed and made into lampshades, no matter how much pseudo-intellectual BS you spam this forum with.


    Oh look, more pseudo-intellectual BS.


    Nope, more self confessed Clueless Interloper Who knows sod all about SSL nonsense.


    Every time so far. Take the hint.


    Is this like one of those Mills and Boon torrid romance novels my granny used to read.

    You hate me and loathe me.. until you don't :) 

    You'll deny it Zalificent, but you do seem to be hanging on my every word...

    • Haha 2
  13. 11 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Option 1: "I am afraid I will get AR'd and lose all my stuff."

    Option 2: "I am mad so I am going to leave and lose all my stuff."

    Must be hard, only having those 2 options.


    Nah there's three obviously - as evidenced by quite a few in this thread.

    Option 3:
    "I'm pretty lazy both in thought and deed, the idea of actually "doing" anything is a bit...yuck.

    So I'll get my head down on this comfy pillow and hopefully when I wake up it'll all be a bad dream and things will be like they were back in the good old days."

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  14. 9 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    Oh. Look. Another outsider trying to equate a company imposing restrictions on problematic customers with 1930's Germany.




    Yeah, but this isn't simply about a company imposing policies on customers - for lets say - not rewinding their Video Cassettes (I am that old :) ).

    It seems a bit bigger, it has implications for identity and freedom of expression across this new thing which some (admittedly not you) are calling the Metaverse.

    So Martin Niemöller's piece felt relevant, touching as it does on themes of apathy and personal responsibility.

    Believe it or not, platforms like Second Life are examples of how a new Social Contract might look in the future, and how policies like that being implemented by Linden Lab should be scrutinized from all side.

    There you go, so I think what I've said so far in this thread is relevant and timely. I might be wrong though :) 

    • Thanks 2
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  15. 1 minute ago, ErwinVonVlotho said:

    Just for context, the reason Niemoeller didn't speak out when the Nazis came for the socialists, trade unionists and Jews is that he enthusiastically supported the Nazis until they came for him.

    And nobody is "coming for" child avis. They're merely being excluded from adult activities and content - because they're pretending to be children, and shouldn't be doing that sort of stuff anyway.

    Thanks Erwin, but I think you've just made my point for me :)

    Anyway, sorry all for the diversion - what can I say, it's a quiet Friday afternoon.

    All the Best

  16. 39 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I wish others could understand that.

    It really is as easy as, "just follow the rules then there is no reason to worry about it".

    And thus spake the "Reasonable Man"

    First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    —Martin Niemöller

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  17. 1 minute ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    And you admitted you are not one.

    Oh but you spoke to some.

    Guess what, their replies translate into real English as

    "Yes, I'm prepared to waste thousands of currency units of YOUR money finding out that you are wrong! Oh by the way, I'm not  licenced to practice in California, so I'll waste even more of your money hiring American lawyers to waste your money, and charge a commission on that on top of my already extortionate fees. Thank you for your business, sucker".


    You could look up the law suits of previous attempts to claim the ToS didn't count and that [insert idiot with more legal budget dollars than braincells here] tried claiming they were entitled to something the ToS said they were not.



    Ooph, ok ok Zalificent, you win :) 

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  18. Just now, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    The context is YOU agreed to a legal contract, you violate that contract, they can terminate your access to the service, they don't have to explain why, this isn't like being fired from a job, you can't go to a tribunal for unfair dismissal.

    You have NO rights within SSL, other than what LL currently choose to allow you.

    More specifically, you have NO right to any information regarding their reasons for terminating your access, or how they made that decision.


    They don't tell you which avatar filed the AR or AR's, to prevent revenge attacks, they certainly won't tell you any RL info about your accuser. This isn't a court, you have NO right to "face your accuser".

    They also won't tell your accuser how the investigation turned out, or what action was taken.


    Stop overthinking everything ass-backwards from the wrong starting point. This isn't n RL justice system, there's no public trials or accountability, no right to know.


    Log in, enjoy being amongst the "Batsh*t crazy" inhabitants of this "Bag of Spanners" ( again your chosen descriptions that won't endear you to SecondLifers ) in a ToS compliant way, or don't and sod off back to where ever you came from.


    And there's the rub... the legality or otherwise of a contract is almost always open to question.

    That's what expensive lawyers are for :) 

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  19. 6 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    Since it's clearly something that worries you, why don't you make a such a request?

    If you're in the UK, here's a walk-through of how to do it.    I imagine the process is similar for EU residents, but your local Information Commission office should be able to help. 



    It's not necessarily something that concerns me, I was responding to another post - the one I quoted.

    Thanks for the link by the way, various firms that I work with are registered with the ICO and yep, they can be very helpful :) 

    • Thanks 2
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  20. 10 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    perhaps i miss something, but what has the gdpr  to do with this? It's not connected to any publication or privacy breach, just internal use. If you'r a client of a company they cán use your info for everything that you agreed on and is reasonable within the limits of normal use as required for their business. 

    I think it's related, because the means of testing the policy are critical, and were addressed explicitly.

    It's like trying to address the legality or otherwise of any activity, without specifying the legal context. Historically that sort of thing doesn't end well :) 

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