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Everything posted by JoezyNooser

  1. So I found out something about crawling, it is nothing more than an animation that doesn't affect your collision box meaning that when I crawl my collision box is still treated as if I am standing. My problem is I want to create a tunnel people can crawl into but because of this problem I have to make my tunnels big enough as if they were standing, and it kind of defeats the purpose of what I'm going for. Is there a way around this without creating a phantom ceiling??? An animation I can buy or a setting I can do??? Please and thank you =:3
  2. Oh the thing is I dont have the anchor script and, I wish I fully undertood what you said, in concept I did, but in execution I have no idea where tos start or how to do that but if I could evrything you said did sounded awesome =XD
  3. Thank you so much appreciate the advice, Im quite fluent with editing programs and blender, I was just hoping for a much easier solution within SL lol =XD
  4. I have this old script and the original creator is no longer around. I just cant figure out how to create an anchor point for this noose to tather on or hook on too for my old-school penal colony sim. Can some help create an anchor script for me??? I would much appreciated I have zero knowladge on scripting, just got into it a few days ago, picked up a few things here and there so im hoping to learn more from this as well. Im also hoping I picked the right scrip, forgive this Noob if I didnt, the darn thing came with a few scripts Im still trying to figure out so I picked the one that said "string" and "Anchor" hoping it was the right one =XP string anchor="smf.gallows anchor"; integer listenhandle; integer pos_chan; float rope_length = 15; float rope_length_remember = 15; float add_length = 0.3; float dampening = 0.2; float bouncing = 0.001; float constant = 10.0; vector vel; float velz; key target; vector ropecolor = <1,0,0>; list rope_effect = []; vector i_pos; vector u_pos; integer Key2Chan(key ID) { return 0x80000000 | (integer)("0x"+(string)ID); } default { state_entry() { llListenRemove(listenhandle); llSleep(2.0); // wait for SCR.reset rope_length = 15; // crazy long, so you don't get pulled up immediately rope_length_remember = 15; llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS, TRUE); // make gravity active llSensorRepeat(anchor, NULL_KEY , PASSIVE|ACTIVE, 10.0, PI,4); //scan a full sphere with a diameter of 10m every 4 seconds } no_sensor() { llResetScript(); } sensor( integer num_detected ) { pos_chan= Key2Chan(llDetectedKey(0)); // determines an unique communication channel llListenRemove(listenhandle); listenhandle = llListen(pos_chan, anchor, llDetectedKey(0), ""); //the name of the thing you listen to is 'anchor' } link_message(integer source, integer num, string msg, key id) { if (num == 1) rope_length = rope_length_remember; if (msg == "start") // this is the first message SCR.dialog sends { rope_length = 4.2; rope_length_remember = rope_length; } if (msg == "start pos") { rope_length = 4.2; rope_length_remember = rope_length; vector target_pos = u_pos + <0,0,-2.2>; llMoveToTarget(target_pos,0.05); llSleep(4.0); llMoveToTarget(target_pos,0.0); } else if (msg == "short drop") { rope_length =1.8+ llFrand(0.3); rope_length_remember = rope_length; } else if (msg == "medium drop") { rope_length = 2.1 + llFrand(0.3); rope_length_remember = rope_length; } else if (msg == "long drop") { rope_length =3.7;; rope_length_remember = rope_length; } else if (msg == "pull up") { rope_length = 0.7+ llFrand(0.3); rope_length_remember = rope_length; } } listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg) { if (chan == pos_chan) //only listen to the right anchor { i_pos = llGetPos(); //determine your own position u_pos = (vector)msg; //determine the position of the anchor if (llVecMag(u_pos-i_pos)>rope_length) //determine of the distance between you and the anchor exceeds the rope length { llSetForce(constant*llGetMass()*llVecNorm(u_pos-i_pos)*(llVecMag(u_pos-i_pos)- rope_length),FALSE); llApplyImpulse( llGetMass() * llGetVel() * dampening * -1.0 , FALSE ); vector wrongway = llVecNorm(i_pos - u_pos); float wrongmag = ( llGetVel() - llDetectedVel(0) ) * wrongway; if ( wrongmag > 0.0 ) { llApplyImpulse( llGetMass() * ( ( -1.0 - bouncing ) * ( wrongway * wrongmag ) ) , FALSE ); } } else { llApplyImpulse(-llGetMass()*llGetVel()*0.05,TRUE); llSetForce( ZERO_VECTOR, TRUE ); llSetAngularVelocity(<0,0,0>,TRUE); } } } }
  5. well before i became more knowlagable of second life I went crazy on a shoe shopping spree for ballet flats and mary janes, shoe-aholic go figure lol So I have an E-body reborn now and been trying to find ways to fit some of my Maitreay and Slink shoes better, SLink dont seem to be that far off for my E-body feet if I just had some nice alphas maybe they do the trick. But in short just want ways for my other shoes to fit better =:3
  6. Aww, that is a real shame thanx for the info =:3
  7. Been really curious if I can buy , Lets say, SLink feet, and attach em to my E-body reborn, or Maitreya feet and such and if so do you have any links for said feet??? Thank you all for your time =:3
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