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Posts posted by Midnoot

  1. 46 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

    The primary purpose of real life cemeteries is to provide a safe place to bury the dead so that the living aren't afflicted with things like disease. I'd hardly call that a waste of space. 

    The fact that throughout all of history all cultures have adopted their own ways to show their respect to the dead demonstrates it's an important part of the human life cycle. 

    You might think there a waste of space, real or virtual, but many people would disagree. 

    Cremate . Delete. Makes no difference . Cemeteries  are as obsolete as abandoned atrocities of mainland .

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Midnoot said:

    I've already seen some ancient sims turn into graveyards . They literally put a tombstone of everyone who died that they knew and now the owner is dead and nobody goes there. Real life cemeteries are a waste of space and virtual ones especially are a waste of space . Let them die.

    I forgot to add that the sim has been grandfathered so it is FOREVER an ugly stain on second life, regardless of the fact that nobody is paying for it now 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, brodiac90 said:

    I thought of the When someone dies thread when considering this. It could be nice to have their things still rezzed out as a reminder and mark of respect. 

    I've already seen some ancient sims turn into graveyards . They literally put a tombstone of everyone who died that they knew and now the owner is dead and nobody goes there. Real life cemeteries are a waste of space and virtual ones especially are a waste of space . Let them die.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  4. Brah. XD. Get out of here. This ain't ark.  Ptsd memories of having to log in and place pillars around my mainland base in order to prolong the decay timer and prevent people from building full bright, 2d landscape wall atrocities next door.




    On the other hand . Please do let those ancient ugly buildings from 2003 decay and allow second lyfe nature to consume their sins.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Cristiano Midnight said:

    Peeve: people who say kk.


    4 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

    Okey, dokey.
    I understand your peeve.


    4 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    I often just say 'k'    :)   That is much better..

    If feeling especially verbose and a little country, I'll say "alrighty'.


    4 hours ago, Roxy Couturier said:

    As someone that uses it, I feel it's better than adding that 3rd k.

     I think its even worse when they say " Sure" in the place that someone would usually say " ok, k, kk,"  etc.  Like they thought on it and and have approved you. As if a simple " I'm gonna go do ________ blank, brb" somehow spawns " sure"....   Like they gave you permission... As if there was also the option to say  " No " .... lol...

  6. 8 hours ago, Jaylinbridges said:

    Yes, a pair of nice looking boobs is certainly a crime in SL.

    My question to you is - Why were you even in a deserted park area of London City?  There was nothing to do there.  It seemed to be a place for AFK avatars to rest.  The sign was all alone, rather small, on a side street with nothing near it.  Do you usually roam around deserted G-rated regions next to crowded M- rated regions on private islands?  I am surprised you felt at all comfortable going to an estate full of adult looking avatars.  Are you now looking for these technical violations all over the grid?


    That's exactly what the whole child avatar thing feels like. Like karens who call and look for something to complain about that should never have been a problem until it was blown out of proportion by someone with too much time and a high for having the power to get stuff taken down.  #RevokeChildrenRightsInSecondLife

  7. 30 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

    Peeve: Getting distracted from posting my peeve by the same old blah blah blah, no, we're never going away, don't make me change my mind about never using ickle speak. People who hate kids have more issues than the people who play them in SL. So nyahhh.

    Original Peeve: Logging in after dinner, changing outfits, making a few forum posts, and then realizing it's after 9 AM already.


    For me, it's more about being held responsible for something that should never have been a punishable offense to begin with. Second Life itself, no matter your sim rules, is adult. You WILL load in some naked bodies and you WILL see adult profiles and you inevitably WILL get people who haven't read the rules yet, or just don't care about them, teleporting into areas with adult clothing on.  


    Then there's the person who chooses to dress as something yu would NEVER mix with the stuff I just listed above, unless you were an insanely irresponsible parent... And come straight into the fray as if they had NO responsibility in it.   " Listen, I know I''m 10, but i'mma go in this strip club and you can't stop me. "

    • Haha 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Roxy Couturier said:

    Peeve: People that don't realize that for the price of premium for a year allows them to have their very own 1048m echo chamber.

    My car payment was $169/month. It ran, it got me places. It turned out to be tougher than my neighbors 50K vehicle.

    There's 3 things you can do when faced with sim rules.

    1. Say 'Okay' and comply. (Peace reigns in the universe and everyone gets to enjoy the space.)

    2. Say 'okay' and leave. (Peace reigns in this case as well and if the rules are really really stupid, the space becomes that barren wasteland you mentioned. Social Darwinism at its finest.)

    3. Argue. (The most likely scenario when I hear 'got banned')

    I never argue with the tyrant overlords.  I'm almost banned in no sims . That's why I'm doing it here . But countless people eventually start hanging elsewhere due to being so limited on what they're allowed to do in the majority of popular sims in second lyfe, which forces me to.follow them around in a Neverending search for transient locations to temporarily enjoy the presence of other human beans without being silenced cause gramma didn't like a word she heard,  or a scary image she saw , etc.


    ... or sound that was slightly above her decibel count preference .

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    Peeve: The "golden rule" that those who have the gold make the rules.

    In RL regular people have to follow rules and laws. It's only those with money and status that can get away with flouting them.  Want to get out of paying taxes? Be sure to have plenty of money and a good, expensive accountant. Want to get away with sketchy business practices or sexual harassment, have a good, expensive lawyer who can write and enforce NDAs. Want to break a few laws generally, get a good, expensive lawyer who can argue your cases well in court. Even if you just want to go to the head of the line at amusement parks, you can buy a pass to cut in front of all the poor people.

    If you want to break TOS rules in SL, pay for your own region and make it private.

    Alright , this was pretty real though. Right in the feels.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    Just as an example, II know several owners of A rated kink sims.

    All of them have "no weapons" rules. This has nothing to do with "creating safe spaces for triggered people".

    If I, a kinky person go there with a "ray gun" that fires "RLV rubber blimp suits" ( yes that's a thing, a friend made it, I was a beta tester ), they region owner won't bat an eyelid, they won't complain about a pie-thrower, or a fish-slapper, or a bouncy rubber squid launcher either.

    But when some vanilla jerk in a fake para-military uniform tp's in and starts waving his toy Arsealite Reject 15 plasti-rifle, and telling all the kinksters he's "Captain Oldbie, of the Failed-Para-Military-Law-Dog-Hero-Wannabe Shopping Mall Cop Bigot force", and demands that we "respect his authority" or get shot, the "no weapons rule" kicks in and Captain Oldbie gets to enjoy the sensation of flying home, without a plane, courtesy of the region owner breaking their foot off in his "seemingly harmless" ass.


    You're so far off the mark its comical .  Every time you reply, you create an entire scenario based off your own past experiences and attempt to relate it.to mine p:


    Entire post irrelevant to any thing that inspired my posts. 

    • Haha 2
  11. 12 minutes ago, Roxy Couturier said:

    Peeve: People that complain about "How things are run" don't seem to realize they're free (FREEDOM!!) to have their very own venue where they can set allowed behaviors and wearables.


    " for the price of a new car, you too can have your very own kingdom in second life! . Once you've accepted that you will be spending half of your income on a virtual playground that people seem to take way too seriously,  you're all set.


    Peeve: the solution to any complaints  always being 


    " just go make your own echo chamber  cave and live happily ever after" .





    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  12. 30 minutes ago, Roxy Couturier said:

    Peeve: People that equate freedom of speech with freedom from consequences.

    Bonus Peeve: People that get butthurt when they run face first into the great wall of consequence. (See what I did there?)

    Peeve: when people assume that because you dislike rules that yu must automatically not be complying with them .




    People that assume because you re tired of sims becoming barren wastelands due to everyone being told off for doing things that are seemingly harmless , leaving you alone with the creators of such prudish rules until you once again have to venture out and find another sim that hasn't been killed by over policing yet .

    • Haha 1
  13. Peeve:

    This weird dependence on the sim owner or the sim moderators to do everything for us, cause it's not like we have tools to make our SL a much more echo-chamber-ey and silent world. It's not like we can't mute every single voice that disturbs us in the slightest. ... or anything like that.

    " Mass punish, mass ban" is the only solution to every problem we've ever had. If it has ever bothered me in the slightest, it shall no longer be! Sorry, brah, ain't nothing allowed here. Might as well go to to another game that allows breathing slightly too loud and pindrops. Cause here? A pin drop is too loud for me.  Everything is too ptsd inducing . There shall be no ambient sounds, there shall be no weapons. This world is to be quiet and barren, just how I like it.


    wait a minute. I just discovered something...   



    This could change everything...st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg

    • Like 1
  14. Peeve:

    Enforcers of SL seeming unwilling to control their own environment other than through mass banning of every possible fun aspect of SL. "  If  I can't enjoy it, neither will anyone else. "

    It's not like we have the option to completely erase someone from the face of the region by 

    - Derendering them when they're too scary for our fragile eyes to witness

    - Blocking them when their scary words inflict bodily harm to us in RL

    - Muting them when their mouthy voice smacks us in the face with traumatic memories that there are humans and that people in SL might just be from the real world. :V

    - Oh,  and that thing that apparently nobody in SL has the capacity to do, ignoring them manually. :P


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