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Everything posted by emogoddess247

  1. I'm interested. Feel free to reach out if the feeling is mutual ❤️
  2. I'm on today, shoot me a message!
  3. We back, bishes! I totally thought I would be unable to access full SL way longer, but I'm back as of today. WOo!
  4. Sounds good to me! Again, I'm just not sure when I'll be able to get on again.
  5. Hell's yeah! I'm currently unable to get to my computer for quite some time, I ended up needing surgery, so I'll get to you as soon as I can. If you wanna message me privately here, that might be best for now. XOXO
  6. Woot woot! I look forward to it ❤️
  7. Hiiiiii! I'm looking for friendos/people to spend time with on SL. I am furry and queer friendly! Gender and IRL age aren't super important to me (18+ tho ofc). I am 23 years old. I am usually online sometime between 12pm-10pm SLT. So, if you are as well, and enjoy any of the following, please feel free to shoot me a message! Dancing/Clubbing Playing card/board games Voice Chatting Listening to/sharing music Anime People watching The BDSM/Kink community (I like going to munches and such) Etc Feel free to search me up in-world and read up on my profile for more information OwO I hope to hear from you soon. (* ^ ω ^)
  8. Hiiiiiiii My name is Ash! I've only had an SL account for a handful of years, but was on a hiatus for a while, only coming back recently. I have a hard time going into public spaces, both IRL and virtual, and just chatting it up with people, which is why I'm posting here. A little about me...hmmm... I'm 23 years old and prefer making friends that are 23+! I'm in CST timezone, but am regularly up super late, so timezone differences don't really bother me. I also do take SL a bit seriously. While I like to have fun shopping, clubbing, and hanging out, the friendships I build on SL are just as genuine as those I build IRL. I'm hoping to build a SL family/crew. I do prefer folx who are comfortable with using mics in game, as I find it easier to connect and communicate that way! I enjoy music, writing, roleplaying, anime, crime shows, reading, crafting, and more! Music is a big deal to me and I listen to a multitude of artists from varying genres, my longest playlist being almost 5,000 songs long. I know...*Owen Wilson's voice*...woooooow. I also enjoy things like Dungeons and Dragons and Vampire: The Masquerade. Get me started and I might talk your ear off about my original characters aha. I'm am uh...part of the...*alternative* lifestyle, as well as part of the LQBTQIA+, so if those things bother you then I'm not your person and that's totally okay! That's all I can think of for now. Feel free to add me/send me an IM. My user is emogoddess247 I hope to hear from you soon ❤️
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