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Everything posted by ContessaHavendale

  1. Hello, I am unsure if this is the right place to discuss what my questions are, but ill just get right into it. Also, please excuse any grammar mistakes I may make on this post. First, I am interested in creating mesh clothing for second life. Therefore, I decided to look into the legalities of creating on SL. However, I was a bit confused about what was listed in the TOS in regards to creating. Secondly, the reason I was confused is because the TOS says that you are not allowed to use the logos of brands nor the faces of celebrities to make products. It made me really think about how skin and clothing creators are able to clearly reference skins and clothing that are in regards to irl people and brands and these users are able to keep their products up for sale on SL. So right now I am a little puzzled because I have the name of my brand created and I was not going to use the label as the real-life brand on my products, I was going to simply replicate the designs of this specific designer and place my own logo onto it. Lastly, in regards to my brand I wanted to mainly re-create clothing that are based off of irl-brands into mesh clothing on SL. However, I am just a little perplexed because what is written in SL’s TOS is not what many users are complying to and they are getting away with this. In terms of items like dresses, my dresses would reference the irl-designs of others, but as for sweaters that have the irl watermark id simply be referencing the irl brand’s design and I would simply just put my brand’s name in the spot where the irl-brand put their brand’s name at. I would just like to simply know if it would be illegal for me to reference an irl-brand’s design and create it on avastar. Thank you.
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