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  1. Thank you, and yes it was a coincidence - like the power outage was too, though I didn't know it at the time - which is annoying because I could have spent those hours doing something more productive, but I needed to get it working as, no doubt, many others too have shops to run, building/creating or DJ/Hosting to do. AND ... it is still not working! Update: I have just filed a ticket and quoted this the URL of this topic. Perhaps someone will take note and do something if enough do the same.
  2. I'm very glad to have come across this thread. This afternoon (UK) we had a 2 second power cut and everything went off and on again - except the computers (Macs). On powering up it was impossible to login and the progress bar stopped where everyone says. I thought the power cut had messed up the settings and have spent some hours checking everything and trying stuff. The odd thing is that one AV could login but not another, and teleporting threw you out altogether, and then the AV that got in couldn't but another could, then none could. The help I searched all said UDP was the problem - end of, SL Grid showed all green and I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure it out. Now I know many others have suffered too I can relax, so to speak, and stop trying to find the answer. For those wondering if it is the new FS upgrade, I can tell you it isn't, I'm using on a MacPro 2010 High Sierra.
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