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Liam Foxpaws

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  1. So out of curiosity if money wasn't an issue would you rather have a private SL island or a full region of mainland? (your welcome to go into detail behind your thought process, this thread is more of a discussion)
  2. Liam Foxpaws


    Sold out
  3. If you are referring to the mainland then that's always the risk as the mainland doesn't have any themes really, My region has a theme and I reckon people would for the most part honor the theme (its a blend of cyberpunk, dystopian, and realism - (stuff along the lines of black mirror) and so the builds would be somewhat cohesive and at a minimum be urban/modern Of course, they'll always be griefers and I'm sure someone at some point will make a tower that looks like a certain appendage but my plan is once the sim is fully ready I'll have some admins/mods making sure that sorta stuff gets dealt with pretty quick In other news, I'm taking notes because the responses here have been epic and have given me a ton of inspiration
  4. Yep I’m the real owner, got the sim directly from Linden Labs
  5. Soo here’s the context: I brought a friend in to help with a sim build (I already regret that decision lol) and he spent the first 30mins of his arrival basically telling me my idea is terrible and no one in second life ever rents land in the way I’ve got it set up and here’s how I’ve got it set up: it’s a private island region that is themed, I’ve carved out plots and intend to sell those plots to other residents (buying the plot gives the person land rights without being added to a group) then on the same plot I have a rental box that charges a weekly stipend and a covenant that states the rules and theme what my friend demands I do instead is keep control of the land, build prefabs on the plots and then place a rental box inside the prefab, not allowing people to make their own build at all or have any land rights Soo settle our debate - what rental method is preferred and why?
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