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Everything posted by OscarSand

  1. Hello! I've ran into an issue with the time part of a script I use on my visitor log. Since the recent clock change reverting back to GMT from BST in the UK, I changed "integer Time_Offset = 1;" to "integer Time_Offset = 0;" to account for the change but now it outputs the correct time but as "T13:04:51.599664Z" whereas previously it was just HH:MM:SS Could anyone please help me rectify this or paste a corrected version, I'd be so grateful. Below is the time part of the script. Thank you in advanced. // from : http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/GetTimestampOffset string sbGetTimestamp(integer intOffset) { // Start with December for purposes of wrapping list lstDays = [31, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; string strTimestamp = llGetTimestamp(); list lstTime = llParseString2List(strTimestamp, ["-", ":", ".", "T"], []); integer intYear = llList2Integer(lstTime, 0); integer intMonth = llList2Integer(lstTime, 1); integer intDay = llList2Integer(lstTime, 2); integer intHour = llList2Integer(lstTime, 3); string strYear; string strMonth; string strDay; string strHour; if (intOffset == 0) { return strTimestamp; } if (intOffset < -24 || intOffset > 24) { intOffset = ((integer)llGetWallclock() - (integer)llGetGMTclock()) / 3600; } intHour+= intOffset; // Add a day to February in leap years if (intYear % 4 == 0 && (intYear % 100 != 0 || intYear % 400 == 0)) { lstDays = llListReplaceList(lstDays, [29], 2, 2); } if (intOffset < 0) { if (intHour < 0) { intHour+= 24; --intDay; } if (intDay < 1) { intDay = llList2Integer(lstDays, --intMonth); } if (intMonth < 1) { intMonth = 12; --intYear; } } if (intOffset > 0) { if (intHour > 23) { intHour-= 24; ++intDay; } if (intDay > llList2Integer(lstDays, intMonth)) { intDay = 1; ++intMonth; } if (intMonth > 12) { intMonth = 1; ++intYear; } } strYear = (string)intYear; strMonth = (string)intMonth; strDay = (string)intDay; strHour = (string)intHour; if (llStringLength(strMonth) < 2) { strMonth = "0" + strMonth; } if (llStringLength(strDay) < 2) { strDay = "0" + strDay; } if (llStringLength(strHour) < 2) { strHour = "0" + strHour; } return strDay + "-" + strMonth + "-" + strYear + " " + strHour + ":" + llList2String(lstTime, 4) + ":" + llList2String(lstTime, 5) ;//+ "." + //llList2String(lstTime, 6) + "Z"; // Obviously this isn't really Z time anymore, but I left it there in case there // are scripts expecting it. }
  2. I say this is after a relationship breakdown this week, myself and my alt are now on my ex partners ban list. As this is a public region, anyone entering her region will see my name and my alt together on this list. To me, this is a form of disclosure as noone else is on it. I often wondered why the access and ban lists are open for anyone on the region to view like this. IMO those lists should really only be viewable by the land owner. Wish I was able to create a poll on this matter. I'm interested to know what other peoples feelings are towards this.
  3. I opted out by sending an instant message to said resident. 5 hours later my name still appears in the search results despite the automated reply saying it would take an hour.
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