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Dakota Chenaux

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  1. Besides getting my inventory in sort of semblance of order, I totally love this list - mine are so similar: 1. Be social - after a several year break, I came back and got immediately hurt, which pretty much discouraged me from trying to build connections. It's hard when you have social anxiety, even more tricky when you don't want to get hurt...again. This year I want to rebuild connections, find friends, a family, all of which remind me of why I was attracted to SL in the first place. 2. Be open - after COVID and all of the political drama in the US, I have become more aware of the wide spectrum of ideologies out there and it's just harder to like people if you learn more about what they really stand for. Ideally, SL could transcend that - here's hoping! 3. Get back to taking pictures - SL is so pretty now! Can't wait to get back on that horse and taking snaps again. For those of you looking for new friends or connections, hit me up! I'm in world several days a week, and usually in the US evenings and weekends.
  2. So want to do this....even bought the system but haven't had the discipline to sit down and just do it! Hope it goes well for you! Someone should start an inventory sorting/organizing meetup or hangout for folks to have company while sorting!
  3. Totally agree on the best you can afford. I have a UHD 27" IPS gaming monitor that's 2560x1440 resolution and an older 27" monitor that's 1920x1080 resolution - the quality difference is really obvious. If you've got a newer PC that's got a nice graphics card, the splurge on a monitor that allows you to see what that PC can do.
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