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15 Good
  1. Sorry, but it's just a freaking directory..It's not 'rocket surgery. Right click vs left click. The Alt key is your friend. New users: Get yourselves a freaking mouse to "play" SL like we did way back in the stone age
  2. My niece is an MBA. Very hard-working, brilliant, dedicated and successful girl in her mid 20s. My nephew is 30 plus, also a very successful guy who has the power to decide if folks get a house loan or not. Yet none of them have any idea of how a directory works. Their iPhones just fill up and get slower, and none of them have any idea of why that happens, so they need a new one. There is a technological age gap here, admit it or not. The SL inventory seems to be mostly for our oldbies who know how to use folders, at least on a basic level. The first thing I do whenever I get a new Android phone is to get some sort of file manager installed. That seems foreign to so many. No worder why SL has retention problems.
  3. I can stil live just fine with my Tellaq (vintage I guess by now) head and my Adam body. The neck fix works... OK enough.
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