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Everything posted by SiaSeraphina

  1. I did happen to figure out that I was only changing weight in a single vertex group, I didnt realize how the vertex groups really worked with weighting. 😅
  2. Hello everyone, this is probably a pretty noobish question but I'm pretty new to creation in SL. I'm using Blender and Avastar, and everything currently seems alright, except I think for the weight painting. I'm not really sure what to follow for weight painting an avatar, specifically for SL. I find lots of tutorials for weight painting fitted mesh, and clothing in general but I can't find anything about weight painting a human avatar. My rigging seems fine, and I currently just have the weight of all vertexes to 0.025. I'm assuming my issue is probably that I don't have any other weight set in certain areas of the body and that's where I get confused, if that's even the case. When I preview the upload section, everything seems okay until I get to the skin weight. I've followed directions from other forum posts that had a similar issue and it improved, but not by much. Before it would just deform once I clicked enable skin weight, and still deform when clicking "include joint positions", now it deforms, but when I click to include joint positions now, it goes into what looks like some kind of action pose, and some very mild deformities but it's not anything I have set on blender. So I'm atleast assuming it's a weighting issue, I am terrible at explaining my issues with these things so I'm sorry if this makes like no sense - I'll try to provide pictures when I get the chance. If anyone has any ideas, tips, or tutorials I can follow about this sort of thing that would be a great help.
  3. My apologies, when I had asked this I would see Avastar, renewal and Avastar-2 as product options. I ended up biting the bullet and buying it (actual avastar, not whatever I was talking about 😂) though, and was able to find out avastar that way, that it was just an upgrade for if someone had a much older version (I think, i could be wrong) but what you explained here answers exactly what I was wondering, so thank you!
  4. Hello! Thank you for your response, I had no idea about the discord, I will definitely give that a shot. Are the screenshots you provided for just the base add-on or is it including the avastar-2 part aswell? I hope this question makes sense (I've got sleepy brain) 😅 either way thank you so much for your response! It is very helpful.
  5. Hello, I apologize if this isn't in the right place, I'm new to the forum and this was my best guess. I'm looking to buy Avastar, and was wondering if the, uh, base(?) product comes with a Bento skeleton or if it's just the update product. I'm hoping that it's available all in one purchase, but I understand if it's not- I just want to make sure I'm understanding what I'm getting out of purchasing whichever products before committing. Thank you!
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