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Violet Vanilla

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  1. Because as a result we have entered a split market scenario. Maitreya's strongest point for years now has been its extensive wardrobe and because of its big marketshare, it meant that most creators would make for it. We are now having big creators say they will not make for 5.3. I do not like LaraX, I do not want a new body. This only hurts me as someone who wants to use 5.3 and keep their wardrobe and people don't seem to see how detrimental this will be to the market, they only see "ooooh new shiny body". Either 5.3 becomes forgotten or LaraX becomes forgotten, we have way too many bodies and creators will respond to what is most popular, so one of them will be dropped.
  2. The average SL user only has one body, only the top % of shoppers have multiple bodies because the average user is not willing to deal with the headache of changing bodies constantly and the price of it. From my perspective if the new body does not support older clothes then we get into a split situation. I can either switch to the newer body and lose all my older clothes or I can stick to my old one and watch creators support the newer body only, which leaves me with no new clothes or a reduced amount. You could argue you could switch between the bodies, but this both a major inventory management nightmare but also you can't mix and match things. Most outfits I get are that, just a dress or something, they don't include stockings/socks/shoes/other accessories. So for example if I buy a new Lara X dress which does not fit the current Lara but all my socks and things are for the current Lara, then it simply won't work at all. The only way for this to work is if I abandon everything I have, somehow everyone magically updates their things for Lara X which is impossible since I have things from years ago, the creators have left SL or Lara X works with older clothing.
  3. Difficult to gauge how this will go, if it works with the majority of older clothes and such, I think it will be fine. If not and requires rerigging, then I don't see the point of this update. The changes seem minor overall and it's just adding another body to the mix that creators will have to decide to incorporate or not.
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