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Mark Sparkle

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  1. We are agreeing that the search results in Firestorm are not useful because its traffic based and because everyone is trying to inflate their traffic numbers, the results do not give you results based on how popular a place is with humans. Instead of suggesting that users then just ignore the results of legacy search, TPV's could update search from the legacy search to the current search LL has created that is not traffic based. That would end the gaming. Unless you sell a service to inflate traffic and benefit from the current situation, I cannot understand why a person would not want to fix this.
  2. I think Rowans post proves that LL fixed search to not be based on traffic, while Firestorm or any other TPV that still uses Legacy search is traffic based. As long that the traffic-based search results exist, people are incentivized to do things to generate traffic.
  3. LL in real-time has data on IP addresses of all accounts online, and knows if the account is marked as a scripted agent or not. Say in a single region there are 15 accounts from the same IP, and they never move, never say or do anything, and they are on 24x7, and are not set as a scripted agent. Send those accounts a captcha they must solve. No different than how websites deal with bots. Accounts that don't respond or fail the captcha can be temporarily suspended, and LL staff can follow up with the account holder to determine if this is a scripted agent who is not set as one and is violating the TOS. This is just an example, and would better than where we are now, which is that most stores who use traffic bots are not reported and so there currently is an incentive to keep trying to game things. LL could automate this. But I think the real source of the problem is that while LL has solved this with the search in the LL viewer, the fact that firestorm, which is the most popular viewer, still uses the legacy search. As long as legacy search exists, because it's almost totally dependent on traffic, people will try to generate traffic and currently mostly it's not done in TOS complying ways.
  4. This is true, but most people I think use Firestorm, so the use of legacy search would be higher, I think. We have camping chairs, Lindo etc - things designed to create traffic, so traffic must still be something worth generating and I'd assume it's because so many people use Firestorm and until Firestorm retires legacy search, stores will want to boost traffic.
  5. I don't think OP is trying to hide that she got caught doing something that others are doing. I think the point is if LL only acts on this if somebody abuse reports you, then it means shop owners are put at a disadvantage when so many others break the TOS. So, LL has created a bad scenario for the store owner. Do I choose not to break the TOS, while many other store owners do this and gain an advantage? So, to break out of this scenario she has started a Canny asking LL to give her a better alternative. How can she legally boost traffic, and she is willing to pay. I mean thats how you improve things. You point out an unfair scenario and try to solicit help to get a better alternative going.
  6. I believe OP is trying to raise awareness of the Canny she has created on the topic. https://feedback.secondlife.com/scripted-agents/p/inflating-traffic-common-practice-alternative-solutions If anyone is interested in this topic they can comment on the canny and/or vote on it - so that is how we can participate.
  7. This is not what cultural appropriation means. Now if you went downtown, saw an Indian restaurant, liked the food, and then setup a restaurant next door and tried to sell the same food but also claim it was different, it was your own spin you see, not a copy at all. Then that is you appropriating someone else culture for your own economic benefit. People selling their own cultures things to other people is not it.
  8. Thank you - you understood the context of my question. I was looking for others' opinions on whether this was cultural appreciation or caricature.
  9. As an Asian person I also do not think my skin colour is yellow. I was using a term that I did not create the name of.
  10. You're welcome to think so, but my answer is no. As somebody who is Asian in real life, I have had my share of real-life encounters with non-Asians borrowing from Asian culture. At those times I have had to try to figure out the intent. Sometimes it is out of appreciation and the intensions were meant to be positive. Sometimes they are not. Sometimes I am not sure, and when I am not sure I ask people from the same community (in this case other people in SL) so I can get help to understand how others saw things.
  11. Yes, I think there is a difference. Using/changing to a different Asian SL skin is not the same as using their existing white SL skin that is part of the character, they've used in all their other Flickr posts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Examples_of_yellowface <-- thats where the term comes from. Instead of using an Asian actor, a white actor was used and they changed their appearance. I see the point of others - I also do not feel the creator intended to be disrespectful. BUT like when others use the word "Oriental" as this creator did for their photo, the people who use that word in this context don't always mean to be disrespectful, but that doesn't mean that the result could not be received as disrespectful.
  12. As mentioned in my OP I too love this person's content.
  13. I think I should have been clearer to ask that others look at the persons other work to understand the context of what I was asking. Yes, the title of "Feeling oriental" is part of where I'm coming from. It implies the person was making of version of the character they normally post to their flickr.
  14. I'm Filipino in RL so I'm not sure about what you're saying.
  15. I think the context of my question has not come across well. This person used their original SL skin that is of a white European appearing women (please see their other content for context), and then photoshopped 'Asian' features on to it ( monolid eyes and other small tweaks ). I think also the 'feeling Oriental' title is part of whats making me think yellowface. I am not asking about what I mention I realize is fairly common of people using SL skins of another race that doesn't match their own - see my KPOP example. @Lewis LuminosI get your point, but I think what I am seeing here is not the same, but I bring it up as a topic to check my feeling with what others feel when they compare this persons other flickr photo's to this post. I think there is a difference between painting a character of a specific race, and painting an existing character that appears of a different race and then painting a 'version' of that character as another race. I am wondering is it Yellowface if you retouch a photo of your SL character that is white, and add 'Asian' traits to make an 'Asian' version of that character - regardless of what race the person is in real life.
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