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Everything posted by Cherry0Sanae

  1. I use Legacy classic with standart proportions... But I'm not talking about standart, I'm talking about this trend of very vulgar avatars that has appeared recently. They hurt my eyes as much as an avatar covered in bling.
  2. You don't even know my attitude in SL... You judge me on my attitude which you don't know... How should I judge this attitude of yours? Anyway, this topic is not about attitudes but about the mesh bodies that LL promotes.
  3. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but many people think like me. This trend of ugliness is killing SL ! An avatar full of dazzling bling ruins my visual experience, just as some avatars deliberately created to be ugly do the same. Have a good day anyway.
  4. What you do with your avatar affects everyone's experience. I'm not shaming anyone, I'm just saying what I think about these trends that I think are killing SL. If I discovered SL today, I don't think I'd get hooked. So it's a good thing that LL promote mesh bodies that enhance the visual experience of everyone.
  5. LL is right, they do promote the better bodies. There are so many ugly vulgar bodies being created that will only be a passing fad. If I were to recommend a mesh body to someone, I would recommend Maitreya as it is the best body (quality and price) and the one with the most good products and good deals (although I use Legacy now). It won't go out of fashion in 6 months as I hope it will for all those ugly bodies that have been popping up in SL lately.
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