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Posts posted by KinMononoke

  1. With my deepest gratitude to Lindens & Moles, please feel free to enjoy the view of the Kiosks at the Renaissence Festival (supporting American Cancer Society) for which team goes to the pillory (and a chance to show them our rotten love too..)

    http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ren Fest I/114/177/23

    Right now things are quite balanced, and those who would like to endulge in the rare view of a certain team getting stuck there, now is the chance before fans slap the kiosks again😁 . There are many other activities in the calendar with different L&M showing up, and a good cause is the perfect excuse for some healthy trolling love.

    Again, thank you all, not only for your hard work building this amazing world but also for your constant comitment in all good causes across SL and the community organisations making them possible πŸ’œ

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  2. Dear Bellisserians,

    Little update here: due to the (happy) growing of our family, we (sadly) need to close doors again at our fantasy home.

    If you are curious you can still visit until next Sunday 15th, thank you very much to all who came to say hi and accepted our hospitality^^!!

    Much love and waffles to allπŸ’œ


    (thank you @syndi Pearl for pointing out the Bellisseria Events group, so sorry we can't finally join the Parade of Homes, there are great places there^^!)

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  3. Thank you all for your answers^^!


    @JessycaJayneΒ  hopes yew can feels confortable tooπŸ’•, thinks magical room and bench upsters, alsoΒ  picnics will fits yew well? I puts dat on de shopping listsΒ  for de FF too and plans a multisize circle at de gardens ^^Β 

    @Cinnamon Mistwoodso happy you visited^^! We sorry about de hat , oour mischievous witchcraf students never listenn to their mewmie and tricked it and made it a little crazy πŸ˜…, maybe if you keep asking you will find de truth..


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  4. Greetings all!

    In the spirit of the Bellisseria 3rd Birthday and the upcoming Fantasy Festival next week (https://fantasyfairesl.wordpress.com/) we open our Fantasy Home for everyone to visit, relax, enjoy the music and hang out.

    We cleaned up the house, moved some things around and hope everything works ok πŸ˜…. If you just pass by please grab some treats either from the nice or the evil bunnies during April ^^!

    Flying Carpet: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hepzibah/114/214/21


    Lake Firestorm HideoutSnapshot_039Snapshot_041


    We are a mixed family of dinkies, centaurs and wizards, and we wanted it to as inclusive as possible. Of course biggies-muggles are welcome too, but don't be alarmed if your body parts reacts weirdly at some places😁! We are still learning how to manage the prim limit and we promise to improve as much as we can (suggestions are always welcome). Let us show you a bit around:



    Ground Floor: the trunk seats and floor rugs are dedicated to centaurs, while at the kitchen human sizes can find comfortable seating at the fireplace while enjoying a butterbeer πŸ˜‹


    The garden has a stunning view of the lake, canals and bridges around, to admire the seasons colours and night glowing πŸ₯°. Centaurs couples will find the cozy green, there are some tiny picnic spots but also a human size bench, that you can share with your tiny friends and children too!


    At the upper floor you can test you magic habilities and enjoy family / biggie & tinies fun moments together, but the dinning room is tinies size only sorry πŸ˜‰!

    Here we show our gratitude for the beautiful moments we shared in SL and Bellisseria, our best wishes to all!πŸ’œ

    Kin (KinMononoke Resident)


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