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Everything posted by ownedbymary

  1. I already tried to clear the cache and also used the official SL viewer but the problem persists. I really hope it has to do with the blog entry which Rowan posted the URL to, because otherwise i tried everything which is known so far to cure this problem and nothing worked. Thanks for help so far though! I will keep this topic updated on my progress. If there's any more ideas i'd love to hear them.
  2. Today i got disconnected suddenly from a sim (no time out, not a internet connection problem from my side either) and after relogging i had the already known problem of only being a cloud. After some searching I tried all the suggested steps from the firestorm guide about rebaking. I found that that applying my main shape gives me a database error, my other shapes work fine. However my skins for both face and body give a database error too. So i thought i would redeliver them, but the redelivered item gives me a database error as well. Is there anything i can do on my own or will i have to contact the offical support? A f*ck up like this is extremly frustrating since i spend alot of time and money on my avatar, and today alot of extra time trying to fix everything.. oh well.. Thanks alot for any advice.
  3. Today is a sad day.. i was perfectly happy with my avatar finally and logged in today to find my breasts deformed. Only thing that changed is that i bought an AO from the marketplace and applied that. Removing the AO does nothing. I re-applied my Kupra breast deformers but they don't work like they did before. Used the reset that comes with the deformers, no luck. Now i got the typical Kupra rocket breasts which i don't like at all. I had a nice natural look on them... oh myy.. Is there anything i can try?
  4. Hello, i'm new here! Meet Mary in a small collage: Hope the link works.
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