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Everything posted by Zornormi

  1. THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS.......first i would like to say that i am sorry something like this has happened to you...i know how it can feel and yes i am aware of black creators but still wanting to generally talk about the issues. these are kind of talk we need to have on SL.......YT (white) are becoming to "commforble" with being racially insensitive
  2. SL has progressed so much over years, coming from someone who had played this game since middle school.....there has been many generations who have kept the pride and balance of playing SL alive. But even with that being said, i feel like SL is keeping too quiet by ignoring the racial/cultural ignorance that this game shows constantly. As a women of color (black), it is almost impossible to find racial skins such as east/south asian and black skin being that almost EVERY SKIN/BOM store sells nothing but white Caucasian skin. And the funny part is.......they all look the same.....literally not a single difference. Creators would make a white caucasian skin with a PINCH of tan tone and think they've done something, a real game changer...it is almost laughable. And the killer part about it, is when they actually make "ethic" skins (which are always WHITE WASHED) ....the skins look horrible, unrealistic, and OVER PIRCED. They put no effort into making an actual ethic skin with ALL TONES. SL creators need to get their shi together and get it together NOW....
  3. I've have watched HUNDREDS of youtube videos of how to create a mesh head and skins, but noting makes sense. i dont know were to start and i dont understand the terms of certain things like copy righting, DEV kit, and what FREE apps to use. can someone please help me.
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