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Everything posted by Flynn50

  1. If you have that much market share then I rest my case that FS should have had this up and running. Sitting on hands waiting for PBR to fail isn't the way to a 60% market share. Show me where PBR is broken? Works well for me I just don't like ther SL viewer. Good if poeple leave then other may have a change to work eith PBR without people like who don't want change but do message me when you return as I know you will this game has that addiction to it.
  2. I am an alt and was around when mesh was released and yeah a few poeple left but show me how many poeple use sculpties now. There would be very few and did you update to mesh I guess you did your still here!!
  3. All valid points but at the end of the day Firestorm being one of the bigest viewers should have had this up and running seconds after SL got there PBR viewer running. PBR is coming/here so deal with it. If you don't like tough.
  4. That's to funny !! 🤣 What I didn't fond funny was at a club I won't name I has to derender a horse. A full size horse in a club that is already script heavy and they bring a horse!!!! 🤬
  5. I have found that if you click on the pet bringing up the pie menu that you can derender the pet either tempor blacklist. I have been black listing as I do visit a clubs quiet often and fine there are enough scripts running there without someone dragging a pet along with them. Anything from a tiny dog to a horse I have delisted and anything up to 4 or 5 everytime I go to a club. Sylvia I like your thinking behind this process I might just do myself lol !!!
  6. Thanks I thought that may happen. Look like we have to put up with them.
  7. I would like to know how I can derender peoples pets while I'm in clubs? I feel this is something that slows down a rezing while the club is full. And info would greatly appreciated.
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