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  1. A couple of people have IM-ed me inworld, but unfortunately, your messages have disappeared from my inbox after logging out and I cannot message you back - please contact me again if you'd like to continue keeping in touch. Thanks!
  2. Hello! I recently returned to SL, and am looking for some fun, drama-free friends to chat with, go clubbing and explore new places! I enjoy alternative music, writing, photography, art, and gaming. Feel free to message me inworld if you think we'd get along. (P.S.: I am not interested in romance or any NSFW/18+ interactions - please do respect this.)
  3. Hello! What are your favourite alternative/rock/metal clubs? I'm looking to become a regular someplace with good music and a chilled-out atmosphere, ideally nothing too 18+/NSFW/etc. Thanks in advance for your help.
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