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  1. Also meinst du damit, dass du kein Paypal hast? Also, das mit den US Dollar ist ja kein Problem. Das wird einfach umgerechnet. Und Paypal ist eigentlich schnell eingerichtet. Funktioniert mit jedem Bankkonto und jeder Kreditkarte. Abgesehen davon kann man in SL auf viele Arten Geld verdienen. Technisch und künstlerisch begabte Leute haben oft ihren eigenen Store. Andere arbeiten als virtueller Escort oder Stripper.
  2. Nuve, Arte and Addon+ have quite a few nice brow sets that are appliers and tintable!
  3. For those who don't want a completely flat chest with the ebody reborn body: The Teacups addon from Kottr is great! You can make your chest really really small, like almost flat but not quite while still being able to enjoy the curvy feel of the reborn body. Stores like Soapberry, FACS, Vincue and a few others also have items for that specific addon. Also: Legacy Perky with the Petite Addon which also fits a lot of Perky items so you don't even need clothes specifically rigged for this addon! Edit: I forgot about Technofolk which has a lot of unisex looking items for Legacy/Perky. I'll also add a picture of my avi. Head: Lelutka Zo Body: eBody Reborn Chest: Teacups by Kottr Sweater: Himitsu set by Soapberry
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