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Everything posted by fforgotten

  1. This parcel is excellent, because it is located next to Route 9A in Protected Land. A few meters further away is also the sim's Rezz area, so if you want to have a store you will get a lot of additional traffic. Come and see! If you are interested, send an IM or note with an offer and we can work out a deal. Type: Parcel Size: 6688 m² Prims: 2296 Price: 10,000L$ Maturity: Moderate Category: none State. Mainland Region: Satbyeul LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Satbyeul/225/140/66
  2. Nice land in adult area Price: 39,999 L$ Type: Parcel Size: 4096 m² Perfectly square 64 x 64 Prims: 1406 Maturity: ADULT State. Mainland Region: Juune Come and see her! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Juune/144/96/41
  3. LM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Willowtail/88/71/23 Type: Parcel Size: 4096 m² Capacity: 1406 prims Maturity: Moderate State. Mainland Region: Willowtail Price: L$ 15,000 Beautiful land on the beach, half on the land, half in the water. It is a parcel in a quiet sim, without lag and with abandoned land around. In front are protected lands but they are never occupied! If you are interested in buying it, and make another offer, feel free to send me a message or note. 😀 fforgotten Greetings.
  4. hola, como estas? No comprendo bien que quieres decir con que "compre un alquiler"... En SL puedes comprar terrenos (necesitas cuenta premium para eso) y una vez que el terreno es tuyo, puedes ponerlo en alquiler con diferentes métodos, más o menos difíciles. Tendrías que revisar este artículo. Cuando eres dueño del terreno puedes ver opciones de configuraciones en el menú "Acerca del terreno". Una de ellas es ponerlo en alquiler, pero solo cuando eres dueño. Y desde mi punto de vista, no lo justifica, tener un terreno para alquilarlo, xq el costo de la cuenta premium es superior al costo de un alquiler mensual.
  5. The landmark is correct. check it out http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Strathcona/101/95/21
  6. 🌴 Price: 15.999L$ Type: Parcel Size: 8192 m² Maturity: General Category: none State. Mainland Region: Strathcona Description: Nice land with beautiful view on the beach, 8192 m2, 2812 prims It is a large plot on the beach. Part of the land is on the continent and part is in the water. There are no annoying neighbors, horrible landscaping or tacky decor. The land is surrounded by Linden land and right away is the protected area. * You can keep the house, which alone costs 15,000L$. Visit it and you will fall in love. Taxi: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Strathcona/101/95/21 Greetings.
  7. Nice land on the beach with beautiful view; part of the parcel in the water. On Sale 15,999 L$ Type: Parcel Size: 6144 m2 Prims: 2109 Maturity: General Category: none State. Mainland Region: Strathcona TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Strathcona/35/32/63
  8. Protected roadside adjoining (Route 8 ) Name: Bagheera/121/200/56 Type: Parcel Size: 5616 m² Maturity: Moderate Category: none State. Mainland Region: Bagheera teleport: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bagheera/121/200/56
  9. Water parcel in Mainland, Romadur. 1024 Sqm, 351 Prims Only 4.000 L Teleport: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Romadur/215/181/25 * the terrain is full water
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