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Yuki Suki

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Posts posted by Yuki Suki

  1. 22 hours ago, Darcy Linden said:

    Hi all – not there just yet, but close! 

    The UI and backend infrastructure for partner accounts (which includes link generation/attribution and payout scheme) has been completed and we're building the alpha.

    A considerable time has been spent on making sure incentives favor those who legitimately bring new residents to Second Life vs. bad actors who would abuse the program and harm its future success.

    To all those that have sent emails to sign up for the Partner Alpha, I have read those emails and added you to the notification list.

    Here are a few things that are planned in the alpha (and are subject to change pre and post launch):

    • Payouts will be in Linden Dollars
    • The longer a new resident stays in Second Life, the more Partners will be paid out (up to 60 days)
    • Partners will receive a % of resident USD purchases (up to 60 days)
    • Reporting on the link level will be available to help optimize your links and their placements as needed

    Thank you for your patience :)


    Where do I sign up? Is application still open?

  2. On 1/10/2022 at 9:35 AM, Sammy Huntsman said:

    SL isn't real, it is far from real. Real is Real, SL is a game.

    🤭 /whooooosh

    Also, just because it is digitally rendered like how games do it (with similar graphic rendering technology and movement controls), does it make it a 'game'? 🤔 nvm, I digress, wrong topic.

    • Like 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

     I'm forever tweaking my shape.  I'll be trying on demos and while camming around my avatar will notice something that's "not quite right", then I spend the next hour tweaking different sliders until I'm either happy with the results or get bored and frustrated and go back to trying on demos. 😆

    I really like how clean your shape looks, it doesn't seem to have any of the usual weird angles or other imperfections you might see when camming around and looking at an avatars face close up!

    IKR! Something is always off every time I check too! I can relate to that so much 🤭
    OMG those tiny weird edges are evil! Those tiny thing is the reason why i spend a long time with the sliders. It can be done tho, each head has its limitations and I try to work within that for my head. If you know where to look, you will see it 🤭

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. On 1/4/2022 at 10:58 AM, Bagnu said:

    I don't know anything about stylized but I can certainly say that photorealistic is very time consuming and can be expensive. It took me many hours of demos just to pick one particular hair!!!

    VERY time consuming but I like it. I find it very rewarding. I've been fine tuning my shape and it will never end. Lol
    Ima stop here for today, for now.  https://bit.ly/3q7eL7H

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  5. 2 hours ago, Tama Suki said:

    I don't use much what you call "photorealism" because I don't consider it photorealism but simply the graphics engine of SL which very often I don't appreciate very much, probably because it lacks that touch of Ambient Occlusion that would make it really photorealistic. Obviously by saying this I absolutely do not mean to despise the lovers of SL photography. Indeed many times I really appreciate what some people manage to get out of this function.
    I've walked this route in the past myself and I have to say that you can get amazing results using weird things found in the developer menu for example.
    So yeah, I'm absolutely for the stylized style.

    Schermata 2021-12-31 alle 11.16.09.png

    Most of us are in SL love SL for our own various reasons.  hmm I have not tried looking in that menu. I should explore.

    yea, I hear you. I would love to see SL using a decent modern render engine too. For now, I am just try to see how far I can go within the graphical limitations of SL.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Fluffy Sharkfin said:

    I definitely appreciate a well made realistic looking avatar, but I've always thought it would be nice to see more high end stylized avatars.  Fortunately with the advent of mesh and bento and a huge variety of mesh heads available, there's definitely a wider range of styles now compared to a few years back and people are making some stunningly detailed avatars of all shapes and sizes.


    I don't take pictures often so hadn't really noticed it before, and there doesn't seem to be an easy solution but there is a trick you can use that involves modifying the settings for Anya Ohmais Depth Map Windlight Preset to create a foreground/background mask for your photo.

    Essentially it requires you to take 3 pictures.  One with alpha attachments, one without, and a third using the modified depth map windlight preset.


    Then you load the first image into photoshop and load the second in as a new layer, add a mask to the top layer and copy and paste the third image into the mask layer.

    Once that's done you just need to select the mask layer and use Image > Adjustments > Curves to adjust the luminance balance of the mask so it removes all the unwanted details while leaving as much of the foreground details intact as possible.





    It's not exactly a simple, easy fix but it can provide a good base mask to work with and may save some time as opposed to trying to fix the alpha halos manually. 

    OMG this is... why didnt I ever thought of this!? When I read this, I just facepalm myself so hard. Lol
    I do not mind the extra steps at all. Removing the halo this way makes it look more natural than blurring it out in Photoshop. Thank you so much! Ima practice and make this a habit from now on. 🥰

  7. 8 hours ago, MillyWH said:

    That could be really cool and really wouldn't be that hard to do.. way back in the days of yore in SL I had a black and white /grayscale look that would really get comments and a few people thought I had some kind of special attachment or something. But it was just grey skin & eyes, black hair and black and white clothes. This may have been after tattoo layers were introduced so I might have had a red lip. Kind of like the sliver look here. There's no filters and no weird weird windlight.


     A couple stores to check out might be Wyrd and Nylon Outfitters. Wyrd has more handdrawn looking skins that photo realistic and Nylon Outfitters are even more so plus their hair would work for that kind of  look.


    Wow, I love this monotone look! very Interesting, never thought of doing things this way. ima take notes.

  8. 8 hours ago, MillyWH said:

    A lot of that depends on how quickly things rez . The only way I know to get around that is to wear BOM underwear but..but I don't worry witht hat stuff anymore. I mean, people can derender your clothes and there are too many variables.

    I wonder if it is possible to reorder the sequence what item render in-world first, like clothes first and body later? nvm i digress. 

    Oh boy, one weird derender incident actually got me putting on tattoo underwear when possible. I was hanging out and chatting in some random social sim (cant remember the LM). After a couple of hours, one person shared a link in chat saying that "this is how I SL" - a screenie of every female chatting there were naked. it was funny, but it somehow weird me after that. Lol 😅

  9. 8 hours ago, LilNosferatu said:

    While there are some really gorgeous realistic-style avatars out there, I honestly prefer ones that are a bit more stylized. Not sure if it's the uncanny valley effect, or the fact that SL seems to have developed its own beauty standards that leads 80% of everyone to look exactly the same, or simply because I enjoy anime already. 😛 But to me it seems much easier (and cheaper!) to get a more unique, customized look with a stylized anime or furry avatar.

    That said, as far as SL photography goes, the people who can make their realistic avatars super pretty and take nice shots?
    Those are really nice to look at, and I appreciate the amount of work and L$ that must have gone into that.

    yea. I can understand the valley effect thingie for some. I am ok with that tho.

    I do enjoy anime and manga too. But anime and best-kin styled mesh are not cheap either. I've seem some that cost way more than the regular human mesh. From my experience, lighting plays a huge part for taking photorealism shots. As for the realism looks, it doesnt cost as crazy as some might think. you just need a basic head+body and a decent skin. The shape is the main factor that ties all these parts together to make it seem real. Tweaking the shape can be a really long process depending on the result you want.

  10. 9 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

    Don't be giving Linden Lab any ideas. It's bad (!) enough when I log in/teleport in to places and all the meshies appear little by little, eyes and teeth first, then body, boobs ahoy, then a l-o-n-g pause before all the clothes appear. There is no such thing as modesty any more in Second Life. (I do have photo evidence - but it would be moderated out of these forums!) 🤣

    No, LL were the ones that taught me things about boots and hair up you bottom. *scared for life.

    • Haha 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Marigold Devin said:

    Like in real life I just take basic snapshots. Unlike in real life I might change the windlight setting and add some shadows if I feel I want to do that (rarely do I want to do that). I am a cartoon girl in a cartoon world and sometimes (often) over-emphasise that by using Nam's Skin and Prim setting.  I never got into post-processing simply because I have a tendency to become obsessive with things and I have to be careful what I choose to lose my time with. Recreation is one thing, obsession is quite another. 

    Go with your gut instinct, if you have the enthusiasm and drive to experiment then do it, and post your results on any of the many threads that are on the go right now, or start one of your own. I love looking at people's photos. We could all be photographing the very same thing and every picture would be very different I am sure. 

    Might be a lil too late for me with the obsessive thing. 😅
    Thank you for the kind words, Ima experiment and share them soon, I hope.



    1 hour ago, Marigold Devin said:

    I am a cartoon girl in a cartoon world...

    Ok, now I got the Barbie Girl tune stuck in my head. 😂

    • Haha 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Mercedes Avon said:

    I crank up to ultra and then flip through windlights until I find one that fits my scene. I also go in and swing the sun around to position shadows where I want (or do not want) them. I also drag the snapshots into Photoshop and touch them up there. It's a whole process! 🤣

    I go down that rabbit hole all the time in Photoshop. 😂

  13. 15 minutes ago, MillyWH said:

    Oh --what kind of stylized skins do you want? like only anime style because there are a lot of options for human skins in terms of different looks/effects.  A lot of times you may not be able to find exactly what you need from a skin but you can use BOM layers and tattoos and play around with tinting layers to get the look you want.

    If you could show an example of close to what you were looking for I could probably point you to some stores 

    I dont have any particular style I wanna recreate atm. I just thought maybe a stylized avatar would contrast a realism background for a certain look and feel.

  14. 1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    I don't know of any stylized skins like that, but I do know that you can work wonders with makeup and tattoos. Dotty's Secret, for example, has a Pop Art cell-shaded group gift. CREATiCA has some animated cell-shader body outline auras, but I've not tried those myself. Search around the marketplace and see what you can find!

    Thank you! ima check them out soon.


    1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    100% raw and I leave it there. My entire motivation for doing photography in SL, aside from having something to do with all the characters I create of course, is to see just how far I can get using only in-world tools. I went to design school, so Photoshopping my photos to death would be fairly simple, but honestly, I just find it more fun doing it this way. I like the challenge. As for tips - if you can run Black Dragon on decent settings without your computer bursting into flames, go for it. It's so fun to work with. Experiment. Poke every slider. Tweak blur and shadows and glow and haze and lighting. Play with camera angles. Create your own custom windlights and poses. Mess with clouds. Learn to make rainbows (or be like me and do it entirely by accident). Learn to edit super super basic particle scripts and play with the effects. Tinker with all the graphic preferences to find the settings that work for your setup. Scream into the void and keep practicing.

    My own settings - couldn't tell you. I change them ALL the time. Some things stay the same, like umm...anything to do with sky/terrain quality/etc. generally stays at high or ultra. Maybe medium if I don't need something for a photo (like trees).

    100% thats an intersting take on SL photography, hmmm. 🤔


    1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    ...scream into the void and change hairstyles.

    Which void do you scream into? Would it make a difference if two people were to scream into it ? *clears throat


    Thank you *take notes

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    • Haha 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, colleen Criss said:

    I shoot on ultra. Sometimes if you re wear your hair there is no halo unless your back ground and hair alpha clash. I blog so I shoot to reflect the best of the item I am wearing, I always crop and sometimes I add filters. 

    I see, so there is no way around this halo thingie other than Photoshop or pick a different spot, hmmm...
    Oh and i dont see you blog link at your profile page. May I have the link 😛

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  16. How do you prefer your avatar? Photorealism or stylized?  Photorealism has been my go to method for photography. But lately, I found myself wanting to experiment with stylize (cell shade or 'cartoony').


    1. Are there any stylized skin creators for us regular human mesh bodies and head or is going anime and beast-kin mesh body the only way?

    2. Is there a way to deal with the alpha halo (attached screenshots) directly in SL when taking a photo without doing it in Photoshop? I usually do it in Photoshop.

    3. Do you shoot raw (no filter) and touch up in imaging software or do all your adjusting in world (adding filter) and shoot once without further touching up externally. If the latter, what are some tips you can share.

    4. When taking photos in SL. Do you just crank up Ultra and shoot or do you have a preferred go to settings.




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    On 12/15/2021 at 1:24 PM, Egon Rothschild said:

    Thanks, Helena, Maitimo, Coby & Jane. 

    I'm new to all this: Bought LeL head in mid November. I don't know what "sliders" and "Nam's Optimal Skin & Prim" are. Sorry,

    I looked for demos from STRAY DOG. Here's me with a different STRAY DOG demo. Same problem.



    I searched MP for EvoX skins. Wow. Few and far between. Anyway, I found a few on VULT. Tried one on. Here's original me and the VULT demo. Symmetrical color! So it's STRAY DOG and not me. *whew*

    Here's original me and the VULT demo. 




    Again, thanks all. Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year to you all!




    Could it be the ENVIRONMENT slider thing? Do you have the ENVIRONMENT Slider on? 
    Environment reflection can render weirdly on the skin depending on the location of the Sun/Moo or nearby lights and how much you add to the slider. I have mine all the way to the left (OFF) and just tweak Glossiness and Intensity.

    P.S. I do not own Logan. I won't know if it is really the shading of the skin or the slider.

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