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Posts posted by portexploits

  1. I was trying to buy Lindens with my TIlia account. I removed all payment methods so the payment can't use any of my cards or PayPal. When I try to buy lindens, this is what I see at the check out. https://prnt.sc/Y7LMISJdPh4a

    I might as well mention that I was hoping to buy and sell lindens to gain a little profit. Is this possible?(like the stock market/cryptocurrencies) Please let me know if I am wasting my time with this idea.

  2. On 4/11/2022 at 1:41 PM, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Typically, the second message would mean that you have already submitted the required info and they just haven't finished processing it.

    However, I'd just call Billing and see what they say:

    Billing support phone numbers
    Toll-Free (US/Canada): 800.294.1067
    Long-Distance: 703.286.6277
    Our Billing team is available from 9am to 5pm EST(6am to 2pm PST), Monday through Friday.

    Thank you. They told me to submit a ticket.

  3. I have been trying to send my lindens to a paypal account for months. I get this message.



    When i click on "here" it gives me information about tilia. When i click on, "Provide Additional Information" It just tells me that my KYC application is being reviewed. Here is a gyazo of it.



    How do i get past this or fix it? As I said, it has been like this for months.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Quistess Alpha said:

    Interesting, I ran a few tests of my own. Despite being able to get llGetVel() to report speeds up to 250, empirically measuring your speed (time yourself going up for 10 seconds and see how far you go) seems to suggest such fast speeds aren't really possible and are only telling you what you want to hear. my empirically measured max speed is about 83 meters per second:

                //vector vel = (vector)llGetObjectDesc();
                vector vel = <0,0,300>;

    and just for fun, you can use this to modulate the speed:

        attach(key ID)
        {   if(ID)
        run_time_permissions(integer perms)
        control(key ID, integer level, integer edge)
            vector dir = 300* 
            <   !!(level&CONTROL_FWD)-!!(level&CONTROL_BACK),
            [   PRIM_DESC, (string)dir]);


    Thanks, that's great. I see a major difference in how you're iterating the SetVelocity(vector, int). You're using a loop, I was doing it in a timer. So how would I break out of the loop to stop it? I know a trick to do it, but if you have a suggestion on how to do so, I am open ears.

  5. Hello,
        I have used this HUD that made my avatar move at 250m/s.  I am trying to make my own HUD that goes at that velocity.  I have tried llSetVelocity(vector,int) but it is instantaneous. It gives a little push then stops. When I put it in a timer, the velocity flutters, goes up and down, even if I have the timer at 0.01. I do see it hit the velocity 250 m/s, but as I said it flutters. When I do llSetForce(vector,int) at the maximum force, I get the maximum velocity of about 197 m/s.  How do I make my avatar move at a consistent velocity of 250 m/s?

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  6. 3 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Don't be silly.  I put sticky notes on my screen sometimes to remind me that I need to go get milk at the grocery.  They clearly present data, and I put them there so that I don't have to look away to be reminded.  Does that make them HUDs?  How about the reflection of stuff that's behind me while I am looking at the screen?  You're focusing on a relatively unimportant part of a wiki definition and ignoring important distinctions about how information is triggered and displayed.

    Ha, by definition those are HUDs too. But yes, I'll agree with you that it's an unimportant distinction. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    No. Totally different technology, as Quartz Mole and I have both explained.  A floater, which is managed by LL servers and your viewer's internal code, is not a HUD, which is a scripted attachment to your viewer screen. Floaters provide system-generated information like the notices that appear when a region is being restarted. They are internal to the viewer. They do not require a separate scripted attachment to the user's viewer because they are providing information directly from LL servers to the viewer. 

    Linden Lab added the new llOpenFloater function so that they would have a way to provide updatable content to a viewer-generated floater without needing to upgrade the entire viewer code each time.  A script to open a floater is placed in a object in the region, not in a HUD attached to a resident's viewer screen. It uses a Linden-owned Experience to ask the viewer to display specific information like the Guidebook that is in a file -- I assume something comparable to a web page -- in the SL servers. With this new technology, LL can simply change the content of that file when it needs upgrading.

    A floater doesn't present data to a user without the need of the user to look away?

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

    was an exchange in the comments over on Hamlet's blog (which I am not going to link)

    in the article Hamlet said: heads-up display

    a reader comments: Would have to have two heads for it to be a heads-up display. And seeing as how we only got one head then it would be a head-up display

    Hamlet couldn't help himself and commented back about heads-up being the commonly recognised vernacular something something head's-up

    which was pretty funny and I was like oh! man. I quite liked the person saying that need two heads to wear a heads-up display  😸

    Ha, the definition from wiki spells it correctly. "A head-up display,[1] also known as a HUD (/hʌd/), is any transparent display that presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints."



    The funny thing is, HUDs in SL are not transparent. Thus by the formal definition, HUDs in SL is not even HUDs. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

    In the context of SL, heads-up displays (HUDs) are objects that attach to your screen, either because you've attached it from your inventory or it's been rezzed and  temp-attached to you by script.    They are described in this Knowledge Base article.

    A floater is, in the words of the WikiA dialog or window appearing in the user interface. Implemented in classes titled “LLFloater*”'.  Examples would include the inworld web browser or in-world search, as well as the Guidebook that we're discussing, and they're created by the viewer.

    HUDs are objects of some kind.  Floaters are, well, floaters, and in this particular case, the Guidebook floater is opened by llOpenFloater().  


    Okay, it seems like the keywords here are "context of SL" and "attachment." I posted a more global definition above. It mentioned that a HUD presents data to the user's viewpoint. Thus they don't have to look away to see the data. This fits the definition of a "floater."

    • Thanks 1
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  10. 13 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    The links are all there in the posts in this thread.  Take time to read them.  Yes indeed, the Guidebook does make use of new LSL functions that scripters discussed in the Scripting forum earlier this summer.  It's totally new code.  As I noted twice now, the new functionality was introduced in the latest standard viewer.  Firestorm hasn't updated theirs yet, so it doesn't work there.


  11. 12 hours ago, Quartz Mole said:

    I scripted the Learning and Social Island HUDs, and also worked on Welcome Island. 

    The LISI HUDs are HUDs that attach to you, and the floater on Welcome Island is a floater, opened  using the new llOpenFloater function, which written for that particular use case, though it may, of course, be used in the future for other projects.   There were practical and technical considerations behind the decision to use a floater, not a HUD, for Welcome Island.

    They may look similar but they're two completely different things.

    ETA:  I see I mentioned this before in the thread, though not in reply to you directly.

    But by definition isn't a floater a HUD? If not, what is the difference?

  12. 8 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    Guess you missed the memo (and the discussion at the time)


    ETA -- I hadn't read to the end of the thread  before posting this, so I didn't see it had previously been pointed out by Mollymews and Rolig, but the point still stands.


    I haven't seen any mention of code in the discussion. Maybe I missed it. If you're implying that it's new code. That is possible, but it's not common practice among professionals. I don't know how the pop-up at Welcome Island was created.  They could have built it from scratch, but highly unlikely.

  13. 3 hours ago, Rolig Loon said:

    That's a decent point, although you leapt to the assumption that your problem with the Social Island HUD and the new Guidebook (which is not a HUD) are related.  They aren't, as several people have now pointed out.  You've mixed up two things and confused the conversation here.

    If the Social Island HUD isn't detaching for you, the suggestions that people have posted in this thread ought to work. If they don't, see what happens when you use the standard SL viewer.   If the problem doesn't occur then (I'm pretty sure it won't), my bet is that your copy of Firestorm is damaged and needs updating/replacing.  Give it a shot.

    "A head-up display,[1] also known as a HUD (/hʌd/), is any transparent display that presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints."



    Both of those HUDs(Heads-UP Display) are from linden lands(guides/welcome centers) whatever you want to call them. Honestly, it probably modified code from the Social Island HUD. Thus, both of these HUDs are made by the same company, and more than likely have the same issues or bugs. It's fair to compare them the way I did.


    Thanks for your feedback on my Firestorm. But I have known many people who have had the same issue that I have had with the Social Island HUD. I doubt it's a Firestorm issue. 

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  14. 12 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    That's not the guidebook, and it's not what you posted in your first post.  That window has opened when you go to Social Island for the past couple of years.  It detaches automatically when you leave.


    10 minutes ago, MoiraKathleen said:

    This is a different thing than the guidebook that was very recently implemented, and what is shown in your original post.   

    For the item in this screen shot, which is supposed to detach itself when you leave the area, the suggestions at the very top of this thread dealt with removing it when it didn't do so on its own.  

    I think guidebook with its directions about how to detach it, the toolbar button and the menu bar option is an improvement.      

    I was demonstrating how those linden HUDs are not always responsive. Yes, it should detach when I leave the island, but there have been many times it has been stuck on my screen regardless of where I am. I have to restart to get rid of it. My point is, the HUD in the OP and the HUD from social island are both linden HUDs. They can be problematic. Because I couldn't get to the next step, maybe the person who I was helping couldn't go to the next page or step for the same reason that I couldn't.

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