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Ellie Ilo

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Everything posted by Ellie Ilo

  1. On the day of the new Policy release, I spent time on Live Chat discussing it with an agent. My take home was the following: Gacha is not ending anytime soon. It is only the Blind-Buy/Game of Chance/Lucky Dip element of Gacha that is no more. For example, no more lots of random Gacha in the machines and Lucky Dip Boards. Gacha buyers and Resellers can continue to still have a room full of Gacha machines so long as the machines are displaying 'everything' they are selling in that machine, and the buyers get 'absolutely everything' that the seller advertised during that transaction. For example, If it is an individual advertising image displayed on the machine - then the machine must give that exact item. If it is a Fatpack/Fullset image displayed on the machine - then the machine must give the Fatpack/Fullset. However, I just saw that Patch Linden stated on the Forum: "Additionally, whatever comes out on the other end of this can no longer be called "gacha". Make no illusions or ways to circumvent getting around it, but "gacha" is gone for good; we should not call it that anymore going forward with any proposed idea to reincarnate it in some way...." I am now officially confused. So not Long Live Gacha then?
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