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Everything posted by cheapchase

  1. I believe that since lockdowns are driving people inside, and closing down these types of establishments that virtual simulated experiences are being flocked to more. I don't see Second Life itself as a permanent replacement for Third Place intermediate areas like coffee shops since the chat system may be intimidating, and less side conversations than in real life counterparts, but that could also just be me.
  2. Cultural Anthropology student here doing a project on Second Life. Specifically if places we visit outside of our home and work like coffee shops. I am predicting that due to COVID-19 the semi-social structure of these places will be more popular as real-life counterparts are more restricted. As for legitimacy, I am a student of Jeffery Snodgrass, a NSF award winning professor (https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2042612&HistoricalAwards=false&fbclid=IwAR1PKRPL9FOtFNNrj6AMgpKoWy5CKeZ7OiRwz9VOGZlt4b5mOYivJLZwNH8) If anyone is kind enough to bid their time and take an open-ened written response survey I would greatly appreciate the help, if not I whole understand as I probably would not if put in the same situation. I you would like to participate here is the link: https://forms.gle/tijU9qLQRea1JtTH7 Regardless, thanks for providing me entertainment these past few months at places like Blarney Stone or Old Lars, the D.J. sets have been a nice escape from not being able to go to as many bars as I would like. While it has not been a perfect replacement as the nearby chat overrides any personal conversations, there are still particual rules and customs adhered to. Let me know what your opinons are Thanks, Cheapchase
  3. Hey, im down to join in to send a message whenever ya'll are playing
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