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Quistess Alpha

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Posts posted by Quistess Alpha

  1. Are you selling full permissions, or no-modify? one way to set your prices is to look at what similar products are selling for and sell for similar. Off the top of my head I'd say a no-modify stand alone script would go for about 500L.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

    Are You really calling LSL (Linden Scripting Language) SLS? Or what else is SLS supposed to mean?

    I thought it was a play on LSL and SOS (Save Our Ship).

  3. I didn't do my due diligence and read through the script. but I thought I'd mention that llRegionSayTo() is a rather useful function if you want / need to use the same channel for communication between one sender and multiple listeners, and it can help prevent cross traffic regardless.

  4. 1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

    I'm not sure you'll find examples of Experience-based teleporters

    The one on the Wiki is quite simple, and Just because I can, I've added a play sound to it (I haven't tested it though, and requires experience)

    // A SIMPLE SCRIPT that implements an Experience based teleport.
    // Compile with the "Use Experience" box cnecked and an experience key you own selected.
    // The prim containing this script must contain a landmark named "Landmark" in its contents
    // If the person touching this box has not previously accepted an invitation to your experience,
    // that person will be offered that opportunity when this prim is touched, and if the invitations
    // is accepted, will be immediately teleported to the target of the landmark.
    // If the toucher has previously accepted an invitation, the person will be immediately teleported
    // with no interruption.
    // The script has no safety features, e.g., will simply fail if the prim contains no landmark.
    // Thanks to Rolig Loon for her help in figuring out how to do this
    // See https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Experiences-in-Second-Life/ta-p/2744686
    // to read what the Lindens think is an adequate explanation of all this.
        touch_start(integer n)
            llRequestExperiencePermissions(llDetectedKey(0), "");
        experience_permissions(key av)
            llTeleportAgent(av, "Landmark", ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_VECTOR);

    It will play the sound where you teleport from though, so you might not hear it after you teleport.

  5. On 2/24/2021 at 7:42 PM, Lucia Nightfire said:

    Yeah, wearing this on AV Center will encounter the +/- 30 degree turning buffer users have which is responsible for one person seeing you facing one direction and another seeing you facing slightly different than that.

    Just for my own curiosity, do the 'AvatarRotateThresholdSlow' and 'AvatarRotateThresholdFast' debug settings have any effect on your avatar's rotation as seen by other viewers?

  6. 1 hour ago, Quistessa said:

    I know that, It doesn't prevent you from sending them a polite direct IM, telling them about your feelings about their products, or leaving a review. Like people normally do.


    1 hour ago, Finite said:

    Yes but I am not sure what your argument is here. Are you saying I shouldn't post a thread in an open forum because you don't agree with it? Because that's how its coming across.

    If you can't take my words in good faith, I will try (and probably fail) to write my sentiments in the clearest form I can before I bow out.

    Firstly I neither agree nor disagree with the sentiments in your original post:

    On 2/22/2021 at 1:04 PM, Finite said:

    ... please enable mod on your fatpacks. While I appreciate that you have made a selection of available colors, I'd personally like access to the entire spectrum of RGB than just the ones you have chosen for me. I completely understand why single items are no-mod but do not see the purpose in fatpacks also being no-mod.


    Finite - Avid shopper

    Yes, it would be nice if more creators made yes-mod fatpacks. although as people have pointed out there are valid reasons for them not to do so.

    Secondly, as you are taking an action (posting in this forum) in furtherance of a goal (attempting to persuade creators to make yes-mod fatpacks of their clothing) I would like to point out that there are more effective actions (direct IMs to specific creators, reviews, creating competing products) you can take in furtherance of your goal in addition to what you are already doing.

    -Tessa Out.

  7. 1 hour ago, Finite said:

    PS naming the creators isn't allowed according to this forum's TOS. If it were I would make a post about who are posers and who are legit.

    I know that, It doesn't prevent you from sending them a polite direct IM, telling them about your feelings about their products, or leaving a review. Like people normally do.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Finite said:

    this post isn't directed toward the experienced creator

    Well, if you have a problem some unnamed inexperienced creators, why don't you try reasoning with them directly? Also, nothing in the previous posts suggests your only talking about inexperienced creators. It sounds like you're trying to move the goalposts.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Finite said:

    It's just about having access to the color box where a creator only used 1 plane texture and used the tint for colors.

    I think the point that most people are trying to get across is that a lot of, if not most creators of high quality mesh products do not just use the tint box to make different color options, they have a separate texture for each color option, because making a product that continues to look acceptable when tinted to values outside what the creator might have created requires making the mesh in a certain way to separate different color regions into different faces(materials) which is extra work, and can in some cases compromise the quality of the product compared to a non tintable version. Now, if Linden labs were to (somehow) add a tint-underlay option for mesh, that would make it easier for texture designers to make textures that would be compatible with a wider variety of user-end retinting, but I don't think that's going to happen soon.

    • Like 1
  10. Most "full perm" outfits do not come with licenses to use their their 3d mesh data. If the outfits you bought came with full perm textures, then you can download those by right clicking the texture and 'save as'. Otherwise you may have to set the texture of your outfit to a local texture, which will let you (and only you) see how your outfit changes each time you save the texture. You can set a local texture by changing the dropdown from 'inventory' to 'local' in the Texture picker window.

    • Like 1
  11. I think the same general arguments apply. Creators don't want you to 'break' their stuff and then add to their customer service overhead, or make things worse than intended. there's also the caveat that a lot of full perm sellers put restrictions on 2nd party sellers, so if you buy a full perm thing and add a texture to it you may be restricted by license agreements from selling your product with mod permissions.

    • Like 1
  12. I hope you find what you're looking for, and I'm sure there's one around somewhere or someone willing to make one, However I'm fairly sure buying and selling copyrighted material without the copyright holder's consent (in this case Nintendo) is against Second life's Terms of Service.

  13. Do you have any specific skills or interests? Have you checked the 'Wanted' and 'Inworld Enployment' sections. Yes most of them are looking for DJs and Hosts and sexy things, but if you keep watch you'll see the occasional request for something interesting like a medical receptionist, priest, or reality-TV show participant to name a few recent ones off the top of my head. If you can do mesh or textures or scripting those can opens up a lot of opportunities for commissions.

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