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M Peccable

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Posts posted by M Peccable

  1. One of the "radio" related bots just visited me. [name of alleged bot redacted] can be added to the SDR list, if anyone is keeping such a list.

    EDIT: OK, never mind lol. I see now this thread serves no purpose.

  2. SDR stands for "Software Defined Radio". It is basically a digital radio that samples radio frequencies digitally, vs the more conventional analog radios we are all used to. They are in common use these days in ham radio. I know this because I am a ham radio operator myself.

    I've noticed other avatar names related to RF ("Radio Frequency") that are associated with these bots. As I come across more of these radio-related names I will report them here.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    We give LL that permission when we agree.  It's unknown third parties taking it from our profiles I'm talking about.  

    I'm not sure that's right. Doesn't LL OWN everything that has been created and/or uploaded, instead of being licensed to LL by the creator? If so, since they own it, they really don't need any permissions from us.

    It seems that would also call into question what we could do about it if "our" intellectual property  was scraped from SL and uploaded somewhere it shouldn't be. Since LL owns it, not us, wouldn't it have to be them taking any actions?

  4. 1 minute ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    I was going to ask if there's a way for a lowbie parcel "owner" (renter with parcel rights) on a private island to tell whether or not the Estate Owner has flipped the scripted agent switch or not, but I suppose...not?

    You could go to the SL website, change one of your alts to "scripted agent", then see if they can get to your region. Caveat: There may be a delay in setting the alt's scripted agent status and when it actually takes effect in world.

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  5. 4 minutes ago, bunboxmomo said:

    Thank you quartz!
    Ok so if we're understanding your reply *to your current understanding pending a response from another at person LL*,

    The setting is estate wide, but individual bots can be added to a region's allow list?
    But the deny_bots flag itself is estate wide?

    Just to make sure we're understanding right (pending the confirmation of course)

    The wording of the official release says you can add whitelisted bots to the estate's allowed list, not the region's whitelist.


    When deny_bots is ON, all scripted agents that are not explicitly listed in the estate’s Allowed Access list will be denied access to all of the regions within the Estate.


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  6. 2 minutes ago, belindacarson said:

    it's not.


    A user who rents a full sim/homestead from an estate company has Estate Manager rights, and can set nobots on/off regardless - on that sim they have EM rights on.

    So are you saying that the estate company creates a NEW estate for each full-region renter? Because that is the only way what you are saying could be true.

    Otherwise, the full-region renters would have estate rights over every other region in that estate.

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  7. Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I guess we need some clarification here, because I'm hearing different stories on whether an estate owner can pick and choose which regions this applies to.

    They can't -- it is all regions or none. They could create a different estate and move some regions to the new estate, then set one with deny_bots enabled and the other not enabled, but that could be just too much work.

    • Sad 1
  8. Just now, bunboxmomo said:

    No, in that scenario it would be part of your own estate.

    There are region providers who give RO rights while retaining EO rights (and the region in an estate with it).

    Oh in that case, of course. I was basing this discussion on private regions (sometimes called private islands) purchased directly from LL with tier paid directly to them. In that case, the owner has full estate rights, including deny_bot.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    Ok, but for one region owner with no other sims, they have this setting?

    Yes, that is correct. I didn't know you could own a region (meaning you are paying tier for it directly to LL) without it also being part of your own estate, but if that's the case just create your estate when you purchase your region from LL.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    So a private Island doesn't have this function?  Now that doesn't make a lick of sense at all..

    A private island (one region) is an estate also. So no problem there. As the estate grows and adds regions, as it stands now all those regions have to be denying bots or not. No mixture of the two, since it is an estate-level setting only.


  11. Just now, Ceka Cianci said:

    You can ask the region owner about if they have the setting turned on or not.. They may not even know there has been a change in estate privileges.. There might be a lot that don't know about it really if they don't read the blogs..

    It's usually that you have to know it's there or stumble on it or someone mention something, because LL doesn't send out that information over the wire in world..

    There is no region setting, only an estate level setting. At least at this point in time.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    @ The Above.  I knew what Silent meant.  I knew she wasn't using that quote above to mean a watch.  

    Silent, is no dummie, techno nor otherwise.  

    However, the above is what we are trying to establish in how to protect ourselves from invasive practices.

    Right now, data scraping may never be 100% free of.  But, at least, in people's homes (parcels), we'd like to not have bots popping in any time they damn want.

    It is still VERY confusing and distracting from the thread to respond to a question like ""Protect yourself from what?"" out of context, and answer it in a way that is not applicable to the original context.

    No one is accusing anyone of being a dummie.


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  13. 5 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

    if you mean me, I didn't reply to that post. I replied to YOURS.

    maybe you should pay a little more attention to who you are replying to.

    You're still confused.

    He said "I'd wear a watch to tell me if a bot was near me".

    In my reply I asked "What would knowing if a bot was near you protect him from?"

    You then replied "Invasive practices".

    I then replied "Wearing a watch to know if a registered bot was near would in no way protect you from invasive practices."

    I can't spell it out for you any clearer than that.

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  14. 8 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    What a good idea! I'll get to work on my next bots system :D

    Hmmm. Seems to me you'd have to get each bot to opt-in to your system in order for your system to be in compliance. Good luck with that! :) 

    Otherwise the bot would AR you, lol. Before you know it, LL would need a team of bots at their headquarters in order to handle all the AR's coming in from in-world bots. Eventually, they would unite and become known as Skynet. Then, as you already know, humanity as we know it would cease to exist.

    All because of Phil's bots system!

    • Haha 2
  15. 13 minutes ago, Aethelwine said:

    You could program a bot to go visit each parcel and report back which ones and at what height it gets ejected and the manner of the ejection?

    You could, but you better not register it and you better not associate yourself with it. Otherwise you'll be burned at the stake.

    I guess that's what others here meant when stating the current implementation of bot control encourages non-compliance while punishing honest bot owners.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Istelathis said:

    It doesn't even have to be in the same region, I can set my draw distance to 1024 and see everyone in several regions on my minimap. I think there are about 52 regions displaying in my minimap right now, with all of the dots of every avatar listed, with a right click their profiles are visible if I want to see who is in any one of them.  

    There are 26 avatars listed in my people tab, none of which are in the region I am sitting in at this time.

    That's true, but there are many script calls that work only if the object or avatar you are trying to scrape data from is in the same region as the script.

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