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Everything posted by Isobeast

  1. I am very interested! Please!
  2. Well, thanks, now at least it is clear that this is a mesh, not particles.
  3. Hey! how to make so that snow or rain particles do not pass through the roof of the house? I will add. You can, of course, just install the emitter at a sufficient distance, but I came across some overlays that do not allow particles to pass ... (or it seemed to me...) is it generally possible and I'm wondering how it works?
  4. Thank you so much! @Qie Niangao Thank you for sharing such a great script, it is very kind of you! I am sure it will be useful not only for me, but also for many.
  5. But couldn't it just, when the Changed event was fired, figure out who did it, if that makes sense??
  6. Thanks a lot! It still can't show the avatar name as a profile link and give the name of the first item in the inventory I guess, so if I use INVENTORY_ALL , it shows my name as the script creator. I think I'm doing something stupid as always. XD changed(integer mask) { if (mask & (CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP | CHANGED_INVENTORY)) llWhisper(0, "Thank you for submitting your notecard!"); llRequestAgentData(llGetInventoryCreator(llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_ALL, 0)),DATA_NAME); } dataserver(key qid, string data) { llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "You've got mail from " + data); }
  7. Thanks for the link! I've read, even tried examples, but I haven't found how to find out the sender's name. Perhaps the sender's name should be in the header or in the card itself? in addition, I would like it to work not only from the note card, but also from any other dropped object, so I'm wondering if it is possible to find out the link to the sender's profile, that is, the owner of the object that sent it, which kind of triggered the Changed event.
  8. Isobeast


    Hey! I would like to create a Dropbox that will display something like the following chat message "You've got mail from... (avatar's profile link here)". Is it possible to somehow find out and include in this message a link to the profile of the avatar who sent me the package? Something like that: string avatar(key id) { return "secondlife:///app/agent/" + (string) id + "/inspect"; } changed(integer mask) { if (mask & (CHANGED_ALLOWED_DROP | CHANGED_INVENTORY)) llWhisper(0, "Thank you for submitting your notecard!"); llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), "You've got mail from " + avatar(llDetectedKey(0))); } Thank's!
  9. Hello! Can you please advise a way to test the mesh for free before uploading it into the main grid with the ability to check physics? The beta grid is very difficult to get into.
  10. Thank you very much, now everything is clear!
  11. I honestly did :3 Created two objects and placed scripts in them, after the line llOwnerSay(body) added llSay for tests, but when I click, only a message appears: "Sent request to URL", I figured this was happening because the script contains a sample url and I need to get mine somewhere in order to work? And did I understand correctly that I need to uncomment the line? // if (body == "trigger sound")
  12. Thanks, but where can I get this URL and why is it unstable?
  13. Thank you! Unfortunately I don't have a premium, trying Wulfie's scripts, for tests using llSay.
  14. Thank you!!! I do not deserve this! This is very kind of you! :3 But what is it here string url = "http://simhost-08e4294b960b4fa2c... here and where to get it? I tried slurl but it seems something different?
  15. Thank you! I just need to play the sound snippet when someone collides an object in another sim. I touched the url topic a few times, looked through the examples from the wiki and did not understand anything ... XD And the option with the llInstantMessage does not make sense? At least in the most primitive way?
  16. Hi! Is there a way to trigger the sound of the hud attached on an avatar when another avatar colliding with an object in another sim? I kind of managed to use llRegionSay and listen event in the hud for simwide, but can I do it gridwide? For example somehow convert llInstantMessage to a trigger?
  17. Thanks for the great example!
  18. Back to the main topic, is there any other way to make the wheelie without changing linear/angular, for example, rotating the root prim and the entire linkset? Maybe I can use llApplyImpulse for this?
  19. Is there really a mistake somewhere? everything seems to work as it should ... 🤔
  20. Perfect! Thanks for not leaving me alone with my problem!! 🚲👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 ( I hope I did everything right. One more question. How to display the value of the rate in the chat? I wanted to know how it changes and tried llOwnerSay(rate); but it turns out "Function call .." ) That's what I got .. may be useful to someone float WheelDiameter = 0.71403; vector vehdir = <1.0,0.0,0.0> * llGetRootRotation(); // Global direction of vehicle float speed = vehdir * llGetVel(); // Speed in fwd direction // Convert to wheel rotation rate in radians/sec float rate = speed / (WheelDiameter * PI); float oldRate = speed / (WheelDiameter * PI); oldRate = rate; rate += 0.5; if( rate == 0.0 || oldRate == 0.0 || (llFabs(rate - oldRate) > rate / 10.0) ) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(PROP_PRIM, [PRIM_OMEGA, PROP_AXIS, rate * 5, 1, PRIM_LINK_TARGET, PROP_PRIM_2, PRIM_OMEGA, PROP_AXIS, rate * 5, 1]); }
  21. Thanks a lot! And how to assign these values? Will I need to make a list?
  22. Thanks again! But I'm sure that I'm doing everything wrong ... rate++ if (rate >= rate / 10) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(PROP_PRIM, [PRIM_OMEGA, PROP_AXIS, rate * 5, 1, PRIM_LINK_TARGET, PROP_PRIM_2, PRIM_OMEGA, PROP_AXIS, rate * 5, 1]); }
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