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Posts posted by Aesthethicccc

  1. Thank you both for the replies!

    @Aquila Kytori That back face culling option is a life saver! Thanks ❤️

    @Wulfie Reanimator That makes way more sense now thank you! for the second part about the 53K tris object I was wondering how they were able to get an object to have such high tris but have such a low prim count. Would you have any idea on how to do this? I've experimented on this by uploading very high tri meshes and messing with the other options but don't seem to have much luck.

  2. Hey all! I've been having issues with my mesh uploads from blender with planes not being visible when viewed from certain angles and wondering if there's another way to fix it other than using a solidify modifier or extruding in blender as it adds more faces than needed. I had this problem before with a Sink I was making where the top surface was disappearing when viewed from certain angles as well but it was not made out of planes but a cube with extrusions. I have made sure that all transformations were made. Edit: Im Stupid I realized the mistake as soon as I made this post, the normals were inverted, the question now becomes how do I get them to show from behind aswell? is there a setting im overlooking?

    Also for my question about how to get low prims, I was looking at an item from Backbone a Neon sign. It is only 5prims but its highest is 53k tris Med being 6.6k tris. Low n Lowest being 5 tris. I understand cheating the low n lowest setting by making them 0 with auto generate is one way to cheat low prims but the sign has very good LoD. I was wondering how they can go that high in tris but keep the prims so low! the detail is amazing. 

    I made a neon sign that comes up as 5prims and has the following specs: 6k tris High and Med, 337 tris Low and 3 tris Lowest. It has good LoD to me and I know making the med lower with a lower mesh file instead of copying the high tris will result in lower prims but now by much which is why I decided to keep the Med prims. Also for the physics I have been using a cube as per most peoples responses on forums and Chic Aeon Residents guides ( Thank you btw! ).

    I'd say I have a decent understanding on how to model things on blender but not for SL. I do make sure to reduce excess faces/loops to models before uploading to SL. If there is any specific guides or written links please link them down below, I know that certain tips and tricks are kept secret but anything to help me understand the SL mesh optimization better e.g when to upload items separately and link inworld

    A link to my orchid flower blend file (Just a quick model for testing as I got this plane issue before when I was testing that's why its not that great.. I promise ....): https://pasteall.org/blend/e241bb81cc9a4106bf384cf03406398a

    Thank you all in advance ❤️


    Example 1.PNG

    Example two.PNG

    Backbone example.PNG

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