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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I had my last pic removed. Does anyone have any idea why? Assuming anyone here saw it.
  2. Lol, be careful with Snow White....She lived with seven men!!!
  3. I tried BD, but i couldn't figure out how to move or chat. Obviously, I am missing something. Could anyone please help?
  4. Now I'm curious. Are you active inworld with your other AV's, or are they just for pics?
  5. I've had a lot of random and paid sex. I'm always concerned with the person, so that'why most shots aren't good. People close to me like to see me have sex. And they like pics with me having sex with them as well. Sometimes random shots that don't look good can end up looking good with some editing and art filters. In my experience, anyways. And a part is just a photojournal to remind me of my SL history.
  6. That might be why most sex pics are poor. Lack of concentration on the pics.
  7. I save on my PC too. It gives me extra storage space by using Flickr. I can always create another account when it runs out of space. Which I've done. Also, since I sell my art, I would rarely post a finished piece there. Everyone could download it for free then. As to why the location? To be honest I never thought about it.
  8. LOL, I was trying to edit, but Walelu gave me a like first. I like this one better
  9. Just to let everyone know, my Flickr pics are a repository. Most of the pics I have there are NOT what I would consider good.
  10. They looked good to me, and I'm sure other people too!!!
  11. I sell some. IM me in world for more info. Ask Jordan too. Ayeleeon might have some for sale.
  12. I would give your pic a "like", but it's serious. We pray that people don't get hurt!!!
  13. This one is off topic. I can no longer see anyone's status, or how many likes any of us have here. Did I accidentally change a setting?
  14. Nope, I was never there with them....LOL. I would have been, but the shot wouldn't be the same!!!
  15. Not my AV, but I was sitting with them.
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