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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. One of my friends is having a problem with her head not moving with the Genus strong head. I have the same head, and it does the same when I turn on the neck lock. Which is fine, and my head moves properly when I unlock it. But for her, it doesn't change anything when she unlocks it. Any suggestions?
  2. Could someone please get me a pack? I'm SO dying for a cigarette!!!
  3. Discussion Really, we were just chatting, but I get the feel of an argument from the pic.
  4. Your pics still inspire me. Fantastic pic!!!
  5. This is another Halloween portrait for the exhibit.
  6. A disturbing Halloween Horror Portrait I made for an exhibit. Signed as my Alt, Swallow. I am Pearl in the Pic.
  7. I love the detail in your hair. What hair is it?
  8. Now a standard AV with a non mesh head. I personally prefer the mesh head, but it's an expense in both time and money. I feel it all depends on what's important to a person with their SL.
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