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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Lol. I absolutely wouldn't!!! I wouldn't want to interact with them, because I am no candidate for sainthood on the sexual level!!! Even if it were a "friend" who I was involved with, I could see issues, because there are too many ways to hurt each other unintentionally. But if I left permanently, or they could never know who I was, I would recommend SL definitely!!!. There are opportunities to experiment with things we wouldn't or couldn't do in RL And we can make some very good friends.
  2. I tried to sign this pic as Swallow, but it just didn't work!!!
  3. I switched from Lelutka Avalon to Genus Strong face with my Swallow AV, because I found the look too smooth. I have the Lelutka Erin head for my Pearl AV. I'm happy with the way I got it to look, so I won't be changing it. Personally, I prefer the look you have in your profile pic over the one in the pic above. I think that look is amazing!!! But it's all personal preference on what we are trying to achieve with our AV's though.
  4. My Friend Vita Theas, who I met earlier this year at an art exhibit we took part in.
  5. My Friend Vita Theas, who I met earlier this year at an art exhibit we took part in. She's not using a pose, and what appears to be a lake is actually snow. It's at a Winter charity exhibit. She was setting up her booth.
  6. And I'm not happy with my hair as Sandor either. It's really difficult to find a specific look for a man's AV!!!
  7. LOL, no, no, no!!! I'm still helping Caitlin with her look!!! We aren't happy yet!!!
  8. LOL, I love the outfit!!! But I'll never be a fan of extreme platforms!!!
  9. Thank you so much!!!! In a sense it IS a still. It was unposed, and our AO's were on. I think I took about 20 or 30 shots to get the one I liked!!! And the situation wasn't preplanned. We were together in the Tower to chat for a bit.
  10. I'll ask the landowner to do that. I don't know enough to answer any questions LL might have.
  11. OMG!!! Thank you!!! My recent shots have been adjusted in post, obviously, but they aren't posed.
  12. A quick pic of my friend Caitlin, who I've been spending a lot of time with.
  13. Spending a bit of time chatting with my old friend Athena in the Tower. Who I've known since my Pearl days.
  14. Spending a bit of time chatting with my old friend Athena in the Tower. Who I've known since my Pearl days.
  15. And I found out how a banned person could come into my Sim. From the person who owns the land where I have my Island estate. There ARE exploits that at person can utilize. It's not an easy thing do though, because certain criteria have to be met.
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