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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. @Cinnamon Mistwoodand I in our alts Well, it's just me in the second pic lol!!!
  2. LOL, but would you take it? /me smiles. i'm guessing you would,
  3. I am sure you don't know the full history if you say that. You tell me what you know. .
  4. In this case, you actually don't know. It wasn't meant to be rude at all. Bill and I have a long history together in his old accounts.Some pleasant, some not so pleasant. It was meant to be a kindhearted knock in his ribs.
  5. Some medication might help get you back to normal. /me pat's him on the back and hands him a pill...It's OK..Its all OK...You WILL be better soon...
  6. LOL, I have never heard of her. I had to look her up!!!
  7. I will ALWAYS do my best to help cheer you up.
  8. A few more pics I took with @Cinnamon Mistwood yesterday. Trying my best to cheer her up.
  9. My condolences on your loss Cinny. I've already said it you personally. And honestly, your pics are quite amazing, Seriously.
  10. Then... @Cinnamon Mistwoodand I went into the bar... And one just to break the 180 degree rule LOL!!!
  11. I'm posting this pic by itself, because @Cinnamon Mistwoodand I look sad as we look into the bar we were going into, and it doesn't fit the rest of the pics, or the fun we were having!!!
  12. We aren't competing for who takes the fanciest pics. Now with my female alts, and yours, we can compete on who looks the best!!! LOL!!! It's all about having fun anyways!!!
  13. Then @Cinnamon Mistwoodand I went exploring, and got on some horses, It was NOT easy getting a pic of Cinny's horse rearing!!!
  14. I was hanging out with @Cinnamon Mistwoodyesterday, and I have a series of pics I'm working on. This is when I first joined her.
  15. Great pic!!! I have the same dress for my Celia account!!!
  16. I did a little bit of combat years ago. If I was too close to a target, the bullet did not hit. I was told at the time that it's because the bullet doesn't rez fast enough for close targets. Your explanation makes more sense to me. How do I even remember this LOL?
  17. LOL, i don't think you have to worry about being too risqué with ME!!! That's a fun pic BTW!!!
  18. My objective is and was to see what others are seeing when PBR isn't working right as they see it (AND to see the limitations). Is what someone else considers bad something that the rest of us don't see as bad? I look at @Orwar's pics. The first one I see as bad. The second one I see as a natural . RL, we DO get blue reflections from the sky when we are outside. The third one I don't see any blue at all. HE considers them bad. I only consider the first one bad. How much of what people see as "bad" is simply a reaction to a change in how SL looks, and not actually "bad"? How much of the reactions are purely subjective?
  19. I'm laughing!!! Somehow "Thelma and Louise" really IS an appropriate description!!!
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