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peppos Popstar

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Everything posted by peppos Popstar

  1. Rolig Loon this caracter ^^^^^^^^^^ is for hide the password sry integer systemchan = -111; integer syslis; string baseurl = "http://www.ghostbreedable.co.uk/petname/"; string filename = "Breedable_Pet_Breed_Genes.php"; string password = "Test"; string method = "breedpetdetailsSEX";
  2. integer systemchan = -111; integer syslis; string baseurl = "http://www.^^^^^^^^^^^^^/petname/"; string filename = "Breedable_Pet_Breed_Genes.php"; string password = "^^^^^^^^"; string method = "breedpetdetailsSEX"; string mpetid = "GODMOTHER"; string fpetid = "GODFATHER"; string mmpetid = mpetid; string mfpetid = fpetid; string fmpetid = mpetid; string ffpetid = fpetid; string sex = "Male"; key fetchid; fireURL() { string url = baseurl+filename+"?action="+method+"&password="+password+"&mpid="+mpetid+"&fpid="+fpetid+"&mmpid="+mmpetid+"&mfpid="+mfpetid+"&fmpid="+fmpetid+"&ffpid="+ffpetid+"&sex="+sex+"&userid="+(string)llGetOwner(); fetchid = llHTTPRequest(url,[],""); } string newpetid; integer createcountdown = 0; createpet() { llRezObject("CBXGhostMonkNest",llGetPos()+<0,0,0.250>,ZERO_VECTOR,llGetRot(),123); } integer locked = 0; default { object_rez(key id) { llSleep(2.0); llRegionSayTo(id,systemchan,"CREATEPET^"+newpetid+"^"+mpetid+"^"+fpetid); llGiveInventory(id,"CBXGhostMonkNest"); llGiveInventory(id,"CBXGhostMonk"); llSleep(2.0); llDie(); } state_entry() { sex = llGetObjectDesc(); llSetText("Touch me to birth this "+sex+" offspring",<1,1,1>,1); } timer() { if(createcountdown > 0) { createcountdown--; if(createcountdown == 0) { createpet(); } } llSetText("Waking up the baby in "+(string)createcountdown+" sec(s)",<1,1,1>,1); } http_response(key r,integer s,list d,string body) { if(r == fetchid) { newpetid = body; createcountdown = llFloor(llFrand(120.0)); llSetTimerEvent(1.0); } } touch_start(integer x) { if(llDetectedKey(0)!=llGetOwner())return; if(locked == 0) { locked = 1; fireURL(); } } } please someone can help me with this problem? this is a generator script for breedable. this breedable communicates with the php server everything work fine,my problem is (URL passed to llHTTPRequest contains a control character) then cannot communicate php with secondlife. i m not a scripter but i buy this full system on marketplace and the seller don't want help me..please anyone Ver: 10.1.2 age: 0 hunger: 0 passion: 0 sex: Male coat: Normal eye: Normal size: Normal PETID: <br />?<b>Parse error</b>: Invalid numeric literal
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