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Polystar Park

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  1. Hello, 2 year gap in the topic thread here I'm also trying to get my live stream on youtube (using OBS) to show up on a Prim, Screen, anything that works. I got this off the shelf "Cinema screen" thing to work on youtube URLs (GCD Media Store ) but so far not work on live stream I dont mind using a product, any body recommend anything Thx
  2. Hello, Im very curious about the current state of "Media on a Prim" (MOAP) after returning to use SL after a long time I have in my inventory a media player from way back its call A2Z LABS HUD camera it was great and now it seems it doesnt work Now i try a new item called 'GIANT CINEMA SCREEN' which does play Youtube video, but is limited in its capabilities for instance it cannot play a webcam or other kind of video source, it can play a URL Anyone else interested in this topic perhaps can share info thankX in advance Polystar Park
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