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Everything posted by melanatedaquarian

  1. Thank you @Atina0, @Saphyre Cyberstar, @iBrat, @Moira Timmerman, and @Alwin Alcott! So I typed up a whole response to everyone...then it all disappeared after the connection timed out :X. I happened to walk by a neighbor's home that was just stunning; so I messaged her and long story short she walked me through putting in a connecting tile between the sidewalk and my house by placing a texture on a prim I rez. Meanwhile I still see the same icons indicating building is prohibited on the lot. I'll follow pu a screenshot after I set up a new graphics card.
  2. Yes they do! His blog has been helpful in learning the basics of dressing and tweaking avatars, but didn't know he was actively on the forums. Thank you! Read it yesterday and it really helped me, too! Thank you for making such a clear post. Between your post and @Skell Dagger coupled with YouTube videos I"m getting a clearer understanding of this whole process. Thank you so much for sharing that!
  3. You're most likely right about it having nothing to do with groups, but thought I'd give it a try to eliminate as many possible oversights. Thought that could have been the issue and tried that, too. Still it told me I couldn't build in the area. At first I thought it was only available to accounts that are so many days old since I just joined, but apparently that wasn't an issue Thanks for the help! I'm within the limits of my home, even tried to build while standing inside (still didn't work)
  4. Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to enable building on my land in order to put down a walkway connecting the stairs outside to the Linden provided sidewalk. I've already created a group and just sent a request to a friend. The land is set to a group, the same one I created, but it still says building is not enabled. A relic also didn't help. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
  5. Thank you for such an informative post. I'll watch some tutorial videos tonight for some more guidance 🙂 As far as what I'd like to do: mostly explore, chat, a good bit of dancing. I also would like to get a vehicle at some point in the near future and I'd like my avatar to be anatomically correct for some after hours fun, too. When flipping through L'homme's sl magazine, more realistic avatars were my preference. I demo'd the legacy body and it looks great! I used an altered aesthetic (or enzo) shape to good effect with stray dog legacy skin. The catwa heads didn't show up, still the same aesthetic head/face maybe one of the videos I come across will explain how to wear. @Marianne Little
  6. Thank you all for your help! This seems like a lot lol. I'll give it a go later today, I've wasted my night trying on clothes (demo) that never seem to work with what I have, but maybe later I'll have more luck. I've given up hope for those shoes, if I decided to stick around SL and get the hang of it maybe I'll try again. I read somewhere that a lot of people abandon the game because it's too complex, I'm starting to understand why lol. Stray Dog's skins look fantastic, thank you for the recommendation. I'll visit when/if I decide to go with the mesh body I linked earlier.
  7. Thank you for your response Marianne! I think I'll have to do some research on which is best, but I'm thinking of getting this legacy mesh body (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LEGACY-Male-The-Ultimate-Meshbody-All-New-Next-Generation-Hyper-Real-HD-SL-UV-Closet-Compatible-Bento/17463790), but I'll probably have to get a different skin, maybe this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Lefort-by-RevoulEzekiel-Catwa-Applier-DELUXE/16676216. Do you have any opinions or recommendations for realistic bodies and skins? The shoes that I can't get to work are these: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Balenciaga-Arena-HighWhite/15516798 it doesn't specify any requirements though
  8. So I'm completely new to SL and I've been trying to figure out how to customize my avatar with little success for a few hours. I can add pants and shirts, but shoes seem to be a problem. I've tried adding 3 different pairs and none show up, though my avatar's feet change shapes as if it is wearing the shoes. I bought a pair of shoes and it just opens to a box on my avatar. Also, is there a guide to shapes, skins, and meshes? I'm confused by the whole idea and I don't want to buy something else and it doesn't work with the Alex Avatar by CG Designs (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ALEX-COMPLETE-AVATAR/7066318). Also, is there a way to change complexions? Sorry for all the questions
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