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Dafadilia Wayfarer

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Posts posted by Dafadilia Wayfarer

  1. My brain hurts from reading the entirety of this thread. It is a pain that was obviously self inflicted since I had the choice to read or not. So I have learned that perhaps I shouldn't of continued to read through a topic that was made confusing the more it was discussed.

    Like things that have happened in my sl over the years that were negative experiences for me. There haven't been many in sl thankfully, but I have made a point to learn from each experience things I could actively do differently to avoid those types of experiences from happening again. I can't control other people's actions, but I can control my own. I take responsiblity for my actions because again, the only person I have control over is myself.

    I learned to put up personal boundaries for self care. My family and friends know those boundaries and I know theirs. We all make the agreement to respect said boundaries for all of our own sanity. That is why the family and friend group I have in sl was established years ago and has lasted to the present day. My rl has been complicated and difficult enough so I do everything in my power to make sure my sl is a mini holiday for me when I login.

    I don''t have any special techniques or exercises. Just learning from past experiences I've had. I simply call that common sense though. Not resilience.

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  2. Peeve...kind of: When my husband knows I have been excitedly counting down the hours until the Fantasy Faire opens since yesterday so decides to start blasting the song "It's the most wonderful time of the year..." while I am in the kitchen making us lunch. The sarcasm is real in our household! 🙄

    Peeve...kind of: When him and I are trying to get a cute photo in sl and he points out what the mushrooms remind him of (nothing good by the way) and now I cannot unsee what he pointed out about them. Just nightmare fuel. 😆

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  3. It might be an idea to pick up the Maitreya update to get LaraX and demos for reborn and legacy bodies. Start expermenting with your shape with the free LaraX, the reborn and legacy demos. Take your time and see what body works for you before spending money on a new body.

    I would take the time to find the body that works for you.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Mr2Chill said:

    Well accounts are accounts but if I had my wishes there would be one billion people logged on to this game and then the Sims would be full but the wishes did not happen and they won't dubby the top priority but if I had my wishes 1 billion people the login have pictures show themselves get on voice and get on cam all verified and that are good and funny anyway that would be my wishes for the meantime  after I fixed myself up

    You do realize that not many in their right mind would be up for being voice, cam and photo verified just to be in Second Life. Part of Second Life's appeal is the privacy it affords people. Anonymity unless they make the choice to share with people they interact with. Why should LL change the rules just to appease the many insecurities you seem to have regarding these "bad people" you bring up in your post?

    If you don't like alts. Don't have one. If you don't want to interact with certain people in sl there are tools to help you avoid doing just that. Point is simple, LL affords you the freedom to choose what you do as long as it is within the TOS. So choose to live your sl the way you want and give others the same courtesy.

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  5. I'm sorry that you're being harassed in sl with someone who obviously has too much time on their hands. Or so it seems.

    Please understand from the outset I'm going to try and be as tactful as possible with what I'm about to say.

    I had a stalker in sl for over five years. He was my ex. When we separated I blocked all of his accounts that I knew of and my sl sister blocked him from where we lived. I lived a very active sl since part of my time was helping my rl bestfriend and sl sister run her residential sim as well as volunteering some of my time helping new comers in the spiritual community I'm part of. I'm also an avid roleplayer. My ex knew all of these places that meant everything to my sl and he made sure to cause as much discomfort as possible. He started by creating new accounts and moving them into one of my sister's rentals. He would show up at the new comer area I volunteered at on different new alts and would even try to start roleplaying with me on those alts. Sometimes he would even attempt to flirt and start up a relationship with me only to get frustrated because I wouldn't respond in kind.

    After awhile he would let the facade slip and bring up things that only him and I would know about our past together. So the alt would get reported to LL and he would get blocked. LL could only do so much and I knew that so for the longest time I simply tried to deal with the harassment by ignoring him the best I could. I stopped using my two oldest accounts from 2009 and started using a new account. He found out and started harassing me. By this time I had met my current sl and rl hubby. I was getting weary of the harassment so I knew I had to make some hard choices. I started over yet again. First I made Daffy here that I use to post on the forums. A year later I made my regular account I use inworld now. I moved away from my sister's sims. I stopped my volunteer work and roleplay. I was devasted because the experience pretty much alienated me from everything I loved in sl, but it had to be done. For three years I didn't set foot on my sister's sims, I didn't take part in my spiritual community and I didn't roleplay. The harassment stopped.

    I've slowly integrated back into the places I loved and missed. Just not on such a large scale as before. I took away his source of fun. Myself. I think he got bored after that and went on his merry way.

    The one thing I will say that really concerned me in your post is how you gave this person access to rl. That is not good. Please be careful of the trust you give out to others in both worlds. What you tell them about yourself and your real life as well. Don't give bad people tools to harm you. Whether that is in the physical or psychological. I really hope you find out how this guy is continuously finding and harassing you.



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  6. This made me very sad when I heard the news. One of the stores that has my complete loyalty. Not only because of the pretty clothing, but because of how nice the creator is. The staff that worked for her also very lovely and kind people. Very patient. I hope the reasoning behind the break isn't anything bad and she finds what she seeks. Even if it is just a hiatus from inworld.


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  7. Happy Birthday!

    I'm different so I'm sure there have been people who haven't wanted interaction with me. In fact I have had people send an invite that have seen me post here on the forums only to come back to see they have unfriended me. To each their own. It doesn't bother me.

    That experience taught me to simply be more guarded with friend invites from people I don't know. In my own outlook, as long as a person is kind, honest and genuine I've no issue with them being different. We are all different in our own way. Each social interaction is different. Some differences are positive while others no so much.

    I'm not a very sociable person, but I have learned to listen to instinct on how I handle people who interact with me. There have been a few times where I have gotten messages from people I don't know that I won't respond to because their profiles gave me the creeps.

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  8. I will never move to LaraX. I will be sticking to the original Maitreya Lara for my older styles. I did branch out and try and purchase the reborn body as well as one from legacy. Over time I really have found I like legacy. So I'm happier now that I found a back up.

    Many of my favorite fantasy creators have ignored LaraX or have made it clear they will be creating for both. Other stores I frequented that have dropped Maitreya Lara no longer get my business. The entire feedback I've gotten from certain creators to just "switch to the new body" doesn't really sit well with me. So I did switch to a new body, but I still won't be supporting those stores.

    I'm just happy that I found a different body that I actually like.

    I apologize if this sounds grumpy. Rereading it made the tone sound like that. To me at least. It wasn't meant to sound snarky. Eek!

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  9. 1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Peeve...people who.bring their Zoobie babies to adult clubs AND let them cry.

    I never understood this either. It is highly inconsiderate and rude. Besides that, how does it even make sense to have them with you in an adult geared setting? My daughter does go out to events with my husband and I, but only family friendly events geared towards sl families, etc.

    • Like 4
  10. 2 minutes ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    LL might not .. but watch everyone take a ban on child avatars to 100% include short female avatars.

    Do you think you can survive a torrent of abuse reports everywhere you go because everyone is afraid they might get banned for being seen near you?

    Again, it is all in how you carry yourself even in SL. My avatar has never been mistaken for a teenager or child. I try not to worry over things that haven't happened since there is enough to worry about that is already reality based.

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