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Posts posted by Ayeleeon

  1. On 1/2/2022 at 4:03 PM, Katherine Heartsong said:

    Very recent piece. No filters, all done with digital painting tools (and hundreds of my own custom made brushes to replicate my RL style) ... this one's a new one in my gallery. One-off. I only sell one of each my my pieces, just like RL. (Had to watermark it, cause you know, people.)


    I am impressed.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

    I tried it once. Most of the cards I looked at were men that where 20-30 years younger than me.  I wish they would revamp those places to put them up with at least an age range. It really wouldn't be that hard to do. But it's SL and once something is done, everyone just follows it no matter if it works or not.

    I gave up after about 20 NC's. 

    You have more patience than me I read 5 or 6. Not just age but time online. Either she was to young, into something I am not, or came online when I was asleep or at work. At least when you meet someone in world, you know they get online when you do.

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  3. On 1/1/2022 at 9:51 PM, Rowan Amore said:

    I hear there's this big wall of photos where you can pick up random females.  Could try there.  Seems a bit desperate but...whatever works, right?

    That is an interesting place, in that it exists in SL, It is driven by the fact that lots of people use it. There are sections for men seeking women, men seeking men, and women seeking women as well. It seems a bit cumbersome to me though, why sort through hundreds of notecards when you can just go out and talk to people. But I guess everyone is different. 

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  4. 14 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    I couldn't decide on a new look for my mermaid (not a surprise, thanks to all of the wonderful holiday gifts), so instead of simply updating it, I went ahead and made two brand new ones. One more human-like and one a bit more alien (below).

    Currently rocking this one. I'll post version 2 tomorrow.






    She looks like a creature who would lure sailors into the water and eat them.

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  5. 56 minutes ago, Marigold Devin said:

    Can you believe I have never yet watched The Lion King? 

    Lion King is the movie I have seen more times than any other, No other movie even comes close. When my oldest son was very little, I worked nights and watched him during the day when my wife was at work. It was his favorite movie, so we watched it over and over and over. 

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