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ChiA Windstorm

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Everything posted by ChiA Windstorm

  1. Decline is real, maybe is a transition period and it will revive like phoenix but I'll tell now from my perspective of SL designer/creator. There fewer people playing and is a fact reflected in sales of my store in world and MP. In 2014-2016 was earning from SL sales USD $1500-$2000 monthly main income being from in world store not events. Customers have much higher requirements now the more realistic the better plus due to heavy competition too many designers too many events for so few customers and even if releasing high quality stuff main stores just dead honestly and good events with high traffic bring some income but is like 3-10 times less then was till 2016. Check Catwa store traffic used to be 60k+ now is like 4k-16k. Genus sim as well has poor traffic 4-6k even though is most bought and used mesh head currently. Many people oriented on good looks are mostly young people they pop on events and hardly even go main store as they don't want buy old stuff they need new ones only, high quality but low priced, those products making taking more time then used before but prices slightly had to be lowered due to battle of designers for the customers share. Other thing SL used to have a lot of mid aged and even older 40-50 y.o people, many of them did not have high requirements in products they bought. They were main store buyers mostly, that is a segment of market that has left SL for different reasons i assume. Plus Linden Labs has increased the fees for money withdrawal and linden currency $ value has decreased again drastically. At moment there are just a hand of designers that earn good money. Mostly because are consistent with high quality releases at events. You have to be in 4-6 events monthly to get 1000$/month with good quality products, if there is no quality product (real looking) business will die within months, as will cover maximum just event fee expenses. Conclusion, don't panic! just move on or wait for rebirth. As to myself I barely make 100$ a month which was my income at the start of my SL business when it was a hobby in my 1st year or so in 2012, in 2014 it became full time job but now I'm just forced to look elsewhere for an income this doesn't cover my bills for the amount of time put in it, just waist of skills and time. P.S. This is not my business account
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