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Posts posted by auntiemisha

  1. PBR and Projector Mirrors : (I thought there was a topic for this already but I can't find it)

    I know projector mirrors won't mirror avatars, but for some uses I think it might not be that big a deal.

    I've seen at least once where someone positioned the mirror in such a way that the avatars would cast a shadow onto the mirror so it looked pretty close to mirroring the avatar.  Given I don't spend a lot of time looking at myself in the mirror that would be sufficient for some uses.


    Keep in mind I am primarily on Firestorm so aside from one or two times I haven't looked at PBR much.

    • Do people have an opinion of when they would use PBR mirror vs projector mirror?
    • Do PBR mirrors use up more resources than projector mirrors? Not that much, or significant?

    Related question:

    how do I create projector tunnel or pit:

    I had this idea of a waterfall that goes down into a pit or tunnel, would love to figure out how to use the same method as projector mirrors to do it so I don't have to raise land to put in the pit.  Any thoughts how to do that?  This does seem to be a use that wouldn't be handled via a PBR mirror at all. If someone has already done it, I would love to have a look.

  2. I found something on the MarketPlace that works if you have RLV

    Make a copy, edit description to hover height you want (may want to change the name too), then save it to your outfit! 

    It cost zero lindens and is copy/mod.

    Make sure to backup copy the original, because after editing description it works by "attaching", changing hover, then "detaching"  and the only way to get it back is to rez it inworld and change the description.


    It won't work without RLV though.


    • Like 1
  3. I have an AVpos configured with sits that I have dropped into a different object.  All of the poses are too low for the new object. Is there an existing AVSitter method or script to adjust the height of all the poses at once?

    I saw there is a method for this using the MLP-converter script but that is only for converting from MLP.

    I am able to script and might make a script to add the height to each pose but am hoping that this was already thought of and handled by AVsitter somehow.  Might be wishful thinking though.

    • Thanks 1
  4. I have several old dance orbs that have an effect I would like to know how to do.  Unfortunately they are all no-modify so I can't tell by taking them apart.

    How do I recreate the effect?  Is it possible to use the effect to make a wall where people behind it will look like textured silhouettes?

    Example from the marketplace:



    Edit: oops this should probably be in the Building subsection.

    second edit: found another related post but it only shows the effect, doesn't explain how to do it:




  5. Just what the title says - I was so busy doing advents, Christmas hunts, ice skating, decorating (and RL stuff lol) that although I picked up the free heads I neglected to pickup any shapes or skins in the event!

    Any suggestions for free or cheap skins or shapes to try out? Female and Male (I have an alt).

    How bad would it look if I used older Lelutka skins on the new heads?

  6. On 12/16/2023 at 5:45 PM, Hollys Chevalier said:

    I should think the garland would be included, since its a set.  ?? On the MP, the store sells the entire set, and it does show the garlands on the piano.. and they sell the garland separately for $199 L$  FWIW. 

    I IMed the CST and they asked me to do the "redeliver", which gave me the complete set including the garland! So thanks for mentioning it to me that the garland should have been included, that was correct.

    • Like 4
  7. 7 hours ago, Frigga Freidman said:

    This piano from Ariskea has some nice playing animations, but doesn't have any sound. The entire set is on sale for $50. (Piano and stool are 2 LI each, sheet music and group of framed images 1 LI each, garland 3 LI.)


    Lovely piano so I checked it out! Thanks for posting about it!

    It does have Christmas music in the piano, you have to click the object "piano & music".  Not sure if they added this after you got it.

    It doesn't seem to include the garlands though, where did you get them?

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  8. As an update:

    • Firestorm Alpha Viewer has PBR and the mesh rain looks good. 

    I checked their website and apparently there are several issues with the current non PBR release and they recommend reverting to a previous release.  It didn't mention this specific issue but I figured I'd revert and see what happens.

    • I reverted to a previous Firestorm version ( and Lo! the mesh rain looks good!

    So problem solved for the moment!

    For Firestorm users, are you using the Alpha Viewer with PBR or reverting to the previous version until the next release?

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/6/2023 at 8:19 PM, auntiemisha said:

    I just got into linden homes, not sure which I'll stick with in the long run, but I decorated the front of a Newbrooke Bradbury.  I had to remove some interior decorating, ran low on LI very quickly!


    Forgot to mention, I call this my "praying for snow" pose.  Sadly I'm having some issues with my mesh snow so haven't put it out.

    • Like 1
  10. Is anyone else seeing this kind of issue? on version Firestorm 6.6.16 (70339) Nov 23 2023

    Issue: Mesh rain (animated texture on mesh) looks fuzzy and faint like the non alpha parts are at some large % of transparent  (including the raindrop puddles animated textures).  This also seems to affect any animated textures with alpha, like mesh snow or animated snow scenes. It may have something to do with Atmospheric Shaders, or maybe not.

    Further information:

    If it's just me then I'm not sure if it is worth trying to make a Firestorm JIRA, I'll just wait for the next release expected (with PBR)  and use another viewer if I want to see the rain better (I don't visit rainy places too often). I just started noticing this issue with the latest viewer release.

    As this issue doesn't appear in the other viewers, it wasn't clear to me if there was some specific setting in Firestorm that might cause this issue. I played around with graphics settings and the only one that made a significant difference was "Atmospheric Shaders" off. It also seems like it wouldn't necessarily have to do with my computer system, as the other viewers seem alright.

    If you have an idea of what other setting might be involved let me know.  As mentioned, since this doesn't appear in other viewers, it isn't clear to me what other changes might affect this.

    • With ALM and Atmospheric Shaders on, issue appears.
    • If I turn off ALM but leave Atmospheric Shaders on, issue appears. 
    • If I turn off Atmospheric Shaders  (which also turns of ALM), then the rain looks OK, the puddles are clearer but still seem less there than expected.
    • I also took picture at same area with latest SL viewer on HIGH graphics in preferences. I did not have the issue there, the puddles look "solid", rain looks sharp too.  I also checked Black Dragon and Alchemy and those both seemed ok. I set to HIGH and ULTRA graphics which I think should be ALM always?

    I took pictures at the DDD Garden Store for their Mesh Rain system. I waited 5 minutes before taking photos to make sure everything was rezzed fully. I also visited SANNA but didn't take any pics there, a lot of the animated textures for rain and snow had the same issue. 

    1. Firestorm with ALM and Shaders.  The puddles can somewhat bee seen on the stepping stones to the right.  Can barely see them on the ground to the right, they look like blobs of fog. The rain should be seen against the ground to the left.


    2. Firestorm with no Shaders, no ALM. I can sort of see the raindrop puddles. The rain can be seen against the ground to the left, sort of.mesh_rain_issue_Dec2023_no_shaders_001.thumb.png.3f23f8581414fa47c38c62c66587d3a6.png

    3. Second Life Viewer.  Note the puddles are very apparent, and the rain can be seen against the ground to the left.


  11. I've been gathering gifts from advents, events, hunts, etc and this season I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.

    What are your best strategies for managing event gifts?

    For some events I just go through (when I can get in) and take all the gifts, then sort through them later.  But for some large events it seems overwhelming at times.  I still have yet to finish sorting through last years Christmas gifts.

    For other events I try to be choosier and look through spreadsheets, images, videos of the gifts to only get ones I think I might truly use or at least enjoy having (looking at you musical snow globes that I rez once a year but so delightful).

    But somehow this year I started decision-making twice, one time I bailed after about 10 decisions (mostly NOs), then the next day I went through again and got through 7 yeses before I realized they had all been NOs the previous day!

    Maybe I should make sure to have a hot coffee or cocoa when I am deciding what to keep. And put on some nice music.

    Any pointers or tips?

    • Like 4
  12. I'm looking for a two story house with similar window gables like on the Linden Home "Stable View" Ranch but only the two smaller windows:



    The feature that this has, that I am looking for: the window bottoms start below the roof bottom edge, window top is above the roof bottom edge but not rising above the top of the roof itself. 

    I have found several that have windows completely above the roof bottom edge but it's not what I'm looking for.

    For example, a lovely house but not what I want because the windows are completely above the roof bottom edge:


    I would prefer a house with the 2 smaller windows, which likely means the first floor would have 1 window/door/ 1 window.

    Also preference is if there is either a MP demo or an in-world example I could inspect before purchase. I am not looking for a custom builder, if it comes to that I might attempt to build it myself over the course of time.

    Any pointers?


  13. On 9/15/2023 at 6:33 PM, Silent Mistwalker said:

    I recently found out the Maldives is being swallowed by the sea, could become uninhabitable by 2050.

    No specific reason known but perhaps realizing that if you have any land property there, you won't be able to split any proceeds from land property when it is under water might be an influencing factor.

  14. There's a cat on marketplace that has the same "always looking at you" effect on the marketplace, but it's a bigger cat.


    I believe both are using the "stationary particle effect" to achieve the always looking at you effect, which is pretty nifty.


    I was able to make something similar to the judgy cat head (just because I was curious how to do it) but I'm crap at making mesh so no luck on a cat or kitten body.  One day I might try to make one.  Or maybe a judgy owl!

    The kowloon cats are so cute, more like kittens!

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 4
  15. 3 minutes ago, Quistess Alpha said:

    If you want other people to be able to see it, and you have land rights, and access to a private server, the parcel media texture accurately displays the parcel media image on particles. (but not projectors unfortunately)


    5 hours ago, Frionil Fang said:

    You can use a local texture but, it won't automatically update when used for a particle system.

    When a local texture is saved again it gets a new UUID, i.e. becomes an entirely new texture. If it's used on an object as a normal texture, the viewer will change that texture for you automatically, and that means you can use a proxy object set to that texture to simply read its UUID and reinsert that into the particle system.

    The tool I use myself is just a cube prim that I put my local texture on, with the following script: 

    string last;
        changed(integer change) {
            if(change & CHANGED_TEXTURE) {
                string s = (string)llGetTexture(ALL_SIDES);
                if(s != last)
                    llOwnerSay("texture change:\n"+s+"\n---");
                last = s;

    I.e. detects a texture change, gets the UUID on the object and compares to what it was on the last call and if it has changed, says it.

    This relies on re-pasting the UUID manually into the particle system, but you could just use it as a say over some channel which the particle script listens to,  or even incorporate the on-object texture and UUID check into the particle system script directly.

    This works perfectly for what I wanted, thank you!

    • Like 1
  16. On 8/2/2023 at 9:45 AM, rasterscan said:

    Ok. Head and mouth is hard work. Bit o' stubble (DS tattoo layer) helped. The 'Hair' folder for blake shud be called hair bases. Using hair from no.match. All clothes are senra


    Where are the cute dogs from?

  17. You may want to ask in the scripts forum to see if someone can help you make a scripted HUD?  There's a function llOffsetTexture that would change the offset of the texture on the face.

  18. Just what it says, sometimes sounds are tinny right after I have teleported to a new area.

    For example Green Story it happens. Tinny rain sounds horrible.

    I have a workaround that "fixes" it but wondering what it might be related to?


    • teleport to location.  Sound is tinny.
    • teleport somewhere else
    • teleport back to location, sound is perfectly fine.

    If for some reason I can't teleport away and back, I have to turn off the sound because it sounds awful.

    I use Firestorm viewer but not sure if that is related.  I could check using the Second Life viewer if asked.

    I have had this with several areas today.  I've been going to very rainy (so lots of sounds playing) areas so it might be related to the amount of sounds playing in each area?



  19. On 5/14/2023 at 1:47 PM, Persephone Emerald said:

    I think an animated rain texture is less lag-inducing than particle emitters are. I've seen some in Belliserria that look like bright glowing boxes covering the parcel before they're fully rezzed. Once rezzed, they create a very nice rain that doesn't seem to go inside the house and use fewer prims and scripts than particle emitters do. These are most commonly seen in the log home regions. I think Dysfunctional Designs has weather systems like this.

    Wait how does that work? Just a mesh cube with animated rain texture on the sides?  Do you have a landmark to an example?  I'm very curious about this.

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