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Diablo Lioncourt

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Everything posted by Diablo Lioncourt

  1. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blue/35/123/22 Full terraform. Make mountains, lakes, etc. Prestigious location for home or business. You can read about the historical color sims here. $L 35,888 (17.5 /m2)
  2. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ahnpyung/53/219/22
  3. Price lowered. This is a great place to live on a unique historical landmark. And it's adult:)
  4. One rare (grid edge/void sea + roadside 1024 left) https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bratz/245/203/22
  5. 2435/ Week. FREE Listing in search upon request. Deep water w Sailing to hundreds of sims! You set name, landing point, media, stream, etc. Unzoned - can be business, club, or residence. Security orb & radio available upon request. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tagona/162/135/22
  6. 500/ Week. Deep water w Sailing to hundreds of sims! You set name, landing point, media, stream, etc. Unzoned - can be business or residence. Security orb & radio available upon request. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Viedma/175/29/21
  7. 550/ Week. Deep water w Sailing to hundreds of sims! You set name, landing point, media, stream, etc. Unzoned - can be business or residence. Security orb & radio available upon request. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Viedma/207/48/22
  8. What's left: 2000 m2 roadside (BARGAIN!) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bratz/150/213/25 1024 m2 double-protected grid edge roadside (rare, pictured) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bratz/245/203/22
  9. Yeah, just like there were parcels cut out and offered for sale by the new owner when the person I mentioned was pointing fingers at yours truly earlier. This cutting by subsequent purchasers is what he referred to as the "land cutting school" he "won't feed". In that case, he pointed the finger at the person they got it from, and said he's above selling just to keep that from potentially happening. He was also badmouthing "for sale or rent" at the time, yet these recent parcels were offered "for sale or rent". Maybe he's gotten hungry so his rules have changed? There's nothing that can really be done to screen who buys from you or control their future actions. I just kinda have to chuckle here.
  10. I changed the parcels and lowered prices. Here's what's now available: 1024 m2 2x protected (road and grid edge, rare) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bratz/248/201/22 1152 m2 1x protected (grid edge) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bratz/241/170/25 (can trim to 1024 upon request, same price) 2000 m2 1x protected (roadside) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bratz/159/201/21 4560 m2 1x protected (roadside) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bratz/200/209/25 (can trim to 4096 upon request, same price)
  11. You know, a certain older landlord was making accusations of "land cutting" and taking a rather high-toned posture earlier in this thread about how he "won't feed the land-cutting school" or some such nonsense. This same person has since recently decided to put some land up for sale, and there's now a 288 m2 parcel cut up from land they sold a few days ago in historic Tulliptree being offered for sale. In my experience, establishment who feel entitled to condemn and judge the new players are always interestingly lenient in applying the same standards to themselves, and that's certainly what's playing out here. :))
  12. Bratz (Moderate). 1008 m2 to 3824 m2. Most colorful place in SL:) Parcels available: roadside + grid edge (corner), roadside, grid edge. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bratz/209/208/25 Roadside + Grid Edge Corner is the rarest parcel type in Islandia (2 total exist). North Islandia has 15 total sims, surrounded by void. It's the smallest subcontinent I know. You can read more about Historic Islandia here.
  13. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Paperweight/212/205/22
  14. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bonghwang/92/23/52
  15. Jeogeot Coast - "Not Bellisseria" - Mainland's fastest growing area! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Satbyeul/36/250/36
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